If you're a Time Warner Cable customer in Staten Island, tune in to channel 34 today at 11:00 AM (12/24), at midnite tonight (12/25), and at 2:30 PM the day after Christmas (12/26), to see the PS22 Chorus sing 4 holiday selections at the Borough Hall Tree Lighting!
Hey Mr.B it's Carol.Well if you get a chance to read this Mariama said that in her new school it doesn't have a chorus.The only reason I know this is because i talk to her...over the phone.And well she misses you guys a lot especially me.LOL!Oh,and I got my pictures back and I didn't delete the picture of you sticking out your tongue with a guesome look on your face.Haha.Happy New Year. And I want that copy of the tape and don't forget it!!!!
Hi Mr. B. It's your Twinnies!! We miss you! Guess what? We joined the chorus in our new school. But they are nothing like the P.S.22's chorus. Just between you, me & Marisa...P.S.22's chorus is 10 times better. We miss you and the chorus. Tell them we said hi and that WE MISS them A LOT! Talk to you another time. Love,
The Twinnies
Mrs Burns and I were JUST talking about you today and about how much we miss you, and then I read your message here! It made my day!!! Thanks for staying in touch! Say hello to Edwin, your little bro, and to your folks! Chorus isn't the same without you girls! We really need to come up with a new plot to get you back.... Hope your chorus gets better -- with you two in it, well, that can only help!!
Love to you and your family!
Mr. B
Hey Mr.B,we found your comment:).
We saw you today 1/19/07. We miss you guys already. It's like what you said "It's like giving you one M&M". You were so right. But we promise we will come back and visit soon. The good part is the school in PA ends 2 weeks before P.S 22,that means we can visit before school ends [maybe with Edwin this time]. Tell the whole chorus and Mrs.Byrnes we said "Hi":)
We Miss The Chorus!
Your Twinnies:)
It was SOOOOOOO good to see you today! It felt like old times!! Boy do we miss you!!! The chorus felt whole today with you two back in da house, and EVERYBODY was thrilled to see you!! But you're gone now, and I PROTEST!!! So I'm holding you at your word about that February visit I was promised!!
Hi Mr.B.I just wanted to tell you that Edwin said"Hi'.
Hey Mr.B,
It is your TWINNIES! How is the chorus doing? How are you and Mrs.Byrnes doing? We are coming to the Valentines Dance in February. YEAH! WE MISS ALL OF YOU GUYS IN P.S.22! I wish we was still with you guys.
P.s Tell Mrs.Byrnes sorry if we spelled her name wrong.
Hey Twinnies!
I'm sure Mrs. BURNS won't mind. (Mrs. Byrnes might though....) ;)Can't wait to see you two!! And thanks for staying in touch! Your messages always make me smile!!
Mr. B
MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:);)
Your Twinnies
Hey Mr.B we miss you guys.I keep on having dreams about going to visit the school again.The PTA is trying to figure out a plot too.They are going crazy probably;)
Your Twinnies!
P.S.Tell the chorus we say "hi
and we miss them"
I hope the PTA has better luck than WE had!! I really do miss you guys so much! Mrs. Burns and I are always saying, "WHERE ARE DA TWINNIES?!?!?!!?"
Love to you and your family,
Senor B
Hi Mr.B!
What is up? Ok just wanted to say hi, we miss you guys!
From your,
What's up Mr.B!We miss you guys soooooo,so,so,so much:( How is the chorus?I {Marisa} see you have been doing tryouts for American Idol.The auditions that you posted are very,very good.I was wondreing when is the actual school American Idol?When you know let us know.Tell Mrs.Burns we say "hi":)
Your Twinnies:)
Hey Twinnies!!
So good to hear from you, as always!! Yeah, we're doing auditions. It's really a charity talent show more than an American Idol, but either way, it'll be a great show! It would be better though if you guys were in it. No date is scheduled yet, but I'll keep you posted. (Check the website.) Anyway, I miss you guys SOOOOO much!! Come home!
Mr. B
Sorry Mr.B we haven't wrote to you in a while.The reason is,we just moved into our new house.Two days ago we just got our cable and computer hooked up.Now that we got our computer hooked up we will keep in touch.Guess what?Jess and
I are going to enter the Variety Show.We will sing a duet,and we will sing "Nothin's Stoppin Me";):)Since they don't know how to play it on the piano we are just sing it without any music.Anyway,nice talkin/hearing from you;):)
Your Twinnies:);)
Yay to hear from my Twinnies!!! And you definitely do not have to apologize for not staying in touch! You guys have been AWESOME about staying in touch! And I'm SO PROUD to hear that you're singing a chorus song for your talent show. Show 'em how it's done ladies!! And you don't need any instruments behind you! You guys are going to rock it a capella!! Tell me how it goes!!
Love & Hugs,
Mr. B
Hey Mr.B!What's up?So,how is the chorus?We miss the chorus so much.We are so excited to be in the talent show singing a song we can remember PS22 by:)
Your Twinnies:);)
nelson is so funny in real life too.
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