Here is a breathtaking rendition of the beautiful song by Joni Mitchell, "The Circle Game", which is on her album Ladies Of The Canyon.
The chorus only finished learning the song the day of this rehearsal at which it was recorded. But I so love this rendition, despite the fact that the kids understandably struggled a bit with the words. (You can hear me feeding them the lines at points if you listen closely!) :) It's particularly moving to watch Ashleigh and the rest of the chorus singing their hearts out here!
So last night, the kids sang "The Circle Game" and more at the annual Women in History Ceremony sponsored by N.Y.C. Councilman Mike McMahon, a wonderful and generous friend to the PS22 Chorus. Below are some pics from the chorus' performance last night, for which they received another well-deserved standing O! Ashleigh rocked the house with her soloing on "No No No" by the Voices of East Harlem! Justin and Angela sang poignantly on the amazing song,"Valor", by former student (and current brilliant songwriter), Andrew Canlon. The song is from his group's self-titled album, O'Canlon, which comes highly recommended!!
The chorus with their friend and supporter, Councilman Mike MacMahon!
Getting psyched up to do a great job.....
"And the seasons -- they go round and round" -- Joni Mitchell
Getting psyched up to do a great job.....
"And the seasons -- they go round and round" -- Joni Mitchell
Justin and Angela singing their hearts out....
Chillin' with the sopranos!
The adorable Natalie!
Mr. B with Mrs. Donath, PS22's superb new principal whom, needlessly to say, was very proud of her chorus that night!
Hi Mr.Loca I'am Johansen I pass because I like corus group and I no hear because I no speack inglesh ryte and you nou the firs time are you say how like in chorus group and I say me because i like and this is my problem i no speack inglesh and I not sing inglesh because on part is too fast and i can ok.Bye Mr.Loca Bye
By:you favorite and crazy student Johansen
Hola Johansen!
Si yo soy loca, tu eres loca tambien!! :P
Senor LocOOOOOOO!!!
awww how cute the music teacher and princeible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps dont hurt me tomorrow[[[
watch it buddy! ;)
Mr. B- I am a type 1 diabetic, and grew up attending the Tennessee Camp for Diabetic Children, and later working as a counselor there. Every year at closing ceremonies we would sing The Circle Game and just cry and cry bc we were leaving our friends, our second family. But we never sounded this good.
I don't know why I felt like sharing, but, ummm. yeah.
Thanks for sharing that. You really inspired me with your story and made me smile! :)
hayy mr.b !! its natalie from chorus like 2 years agoo i see you r still doing very well i miss being in the chorus soo much !
hope to see yhu soon - natalie
hi natalie! miss you and the great chorus of 08! such great times! so happy to hear from you! :)
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