The "Dragon" Chorus Posse remix video!
Okay, I finally got around to uploading these, and just finished getting them ready for public consumption! Unfortunately we had some technical problems while recording so we lost a few songs. But the ones that survived came out great! So here they are, the PS22 Chorus 2006-7 recordings!
(Left click on the links to play)
PS22 Chorus -- Bouncing Off Clouds (by Tori Amos)
PS22 Chorus -- Change Is Gonna Come (by Sam Cooke)
Soloist: Justin

Justin meets American Idol finalist George Huff when he sings "Change..." at prestigious MLK ceremony in Albany.
PS22 Chorus -- Dragon (by Tori Amos)
Dragon mural behind Mr. B was done by his bro, Jamey!
PS22 Chorus -- Father's Son (by Tori Amos)
Soloist 1: Breana
Soloist 2: Leslie

Breana and Leslie -- The amazing soloists on "Father's Son!"
"Now how can I get the beast to nosh on Eric instead...."
PS22 Chorus -- The Happy Worker (from the 'Toys' soundtrack)
Marissa & Jessica! Two of 22's happiest workers!
PS22 Chorus -- I Haven't Seen This Day Before (by The Innocence Mission)
Soloist: Justin
Background Vocals: Breana, Ashley, Ziha, and Chaylene
**This was one of the songs that was unfortunately ruined during the recording. The full chorus did a beautiful live version of this song. I will look to see if I can find video footage of the chorus version. In the meantime, Justin & the "chorus coaches"' version should appease!**
PS22 Chorus -- I Will Survive (by Gloria Gaynor)
Soloist: Eric or will he?
PS22 Chorus -- Keep On Going (by Justin Rolon & Mr. B)
Soloist 1: Dario
Soloist 2: Jordan
PS22 Chorus -- La Primera Navidad (The First Noel)
Duet: Justin & Malik
**Unfortunately we never recorded this song at Christmas time but it's one of my favorites! Ziha did an absolutely beautiful job on the solo too. Here is another great version by Justin and Malik!**
PS22 Chorus -- Ode To My Clothes (by Tori Amos)
Soloist: Justin
**This was another one of the songs that unfortunately didn't come out on the recording. Chaylene sang the solo so beautifully too, so if you want to see her and the full chorus's version you can find the video in the December 2006 archives!**
PS22 Chorus -- When I Think Of You (by Justin Rolon, Ben Tucker, & Mr. B)
Duet: Chaylene & Eric
PS22 Chorus -- You Raise Me Up (by Josh Groban)
Soloist: Mariama

Mariama! Girl can saaaaaAAAAANG!
Justin -- I Wonder as I Wander (from 4th grade, 2005)
Justin -- amazing AND wacky! Multi-talented indeed!
And a special bonus
(in honor of Tori's birthday today)
**These are home-made remixes that I made with Tori's songs combined with the 22 versions. I think they both came out rather wonderfully, particularly Father's Son. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORI, and thanks for the music and memories that will last a lifetime and beyond!**
Tori Amos with PS22 -- Dragon (The 22 Posse Remix)
Tori Amos with PS22 -- Father's Son (The 22 Posse Remix)
WOW! Thank you!
hey Mr.b
watz up ?
havent heard from u for a long time!So how is evrything ?
OH yeah whos the new principal ?
Miss u and 22 SOO MUCH !!!
hows the new chorus ? did u start yet ?
Hi Ridmila!
So great to hear from you! I hope your first day of school went well today! The school feels a bit empty without my chorus posse 2006-7 in the house, but life and time have a disturbing tendency of moving WAY too fast!
I hope you like the recordings! I thought some of them really came out great! (Of course you guys ALWAYS sounded best live and in person!)
Mrs. Donath is the new principal and we're really excited about it! She's off to a great start. As far as the new chorus is concerned, I worked with them today actually. Let's just say the beginning of the year is always a rough start, but that's all part of the progression towards greatness, which I know this group will achieve. And they'll leave their mark as you left yours!
So thanks for writing, and I hope that you have a great year in intermediate school! I also hope that you will have the chance to pass by and say hello at some point! Mrs. Burns and I miss you!!
Mr. B
HI MR. B wuz up. it's me zaiah how are you. guess what i'm in the new chorus in i.s.51 it's great. my days here in 51 are perfect. so happy here. my music teacher is ms. lopa, i told her about my adventures at 22 with the chorus.
i told her that i meet and sang with Tori Amos. i told her about the best music teacher ever, mr. B
she knew about you and the 22 chorus. she so excited to have me and some of the other chorus members there.
your pal isaiah
ps. how's the NEW 2oo7 chorus doing, good luck i'll be visiting soon.
Good to hear from you pal! I'm sooooo happy to hear you're in chorus this year!! Miss Lopa is lucky to have you!! And she is SUCH a nice teacher -- you're lucky to have her too! I'm also glad to hear that other 22 chorus members are getting to continue with music! Who else is in class with you? Please tell everybody I send a big hello!!
The new chorus is very excited, thanks for asking! Of course they need a LOT of work, but it's only the beginning! I know they're going to turn out great! But they can NEVER replace you and the chorus of 2007! I'm still missing you guys big time.
So thanks for keeping in touch! I can't wait for you to visit, pal! I hope your family's doing well! Tell them I send my best regards! Hey, did you ever make it down to Puerto Rico this summer??
Your pal,
Mr. B
hi, mr.b im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry i didnt come online to visit you over the summer ill make it up to you i promise. My summer vaca was fun how was yours?IM also in the chorus, todays practice was so much fun.ok tell miss donath i said good luck and congrats ok ill come on when i can and see you guys soon ok (peace!) bye :)
No apologies are necessary! I told you guys when you graduated, keep in touch when you can, but just make sure to keep in touch! So I'm thrilled to hear from you!! Of course hearing from you, Isaiah, and Ridmila is DEFINITELY making me miss you all the more!
I'm so happy to hear that you're in chorus too! You tell Miss Lopa I said, "You're welcome" for you guys!!! ;)
Mrs. Burns and I will be overjoyed to see you whenever you can come by to say hello, and I'm sure Mrs. Donath will really appreciate that you asked about her! I'll make certain to tell her so! Give my warmest regards to your mom and the rest of your family! And make certain to tell all your fellow 22 Chorus graduates that I miss you all so much!
So good to hear from you!!
Mr. B
Jounior highschools great ,but evry time me and gabi r in the bus we see 22 and it reminds us of every memory we had their !!Our skool feels empty too. WE MISS ps22 sooo nd gabi talk about 22 evry day . Tell Mrs.burns nd Ms.catanzano i said hello! Jordans gotten taller ,we call him our life hes taller than 8th graders nd teachers.Sorry i hadent get a chance to visit . I will come ,hopefully lol .I really do like the recodings there amazing .
Im looking foward to seeing u and ur new chorus on the site !!
Hey Ridmila!!
Great to hear from you!! Believe me I miss you guys too. I'm still in a state of adjustment. I'm happy you're staying in touch, because your messages always put a smile on my face! I hope your still doing lots of singing, and tell Jordan if he doesn't come visit or get on the computer and say hello, Mr. B's going to be plenty annoyed!! Tell Gabi and everybody I say hello too and boy, I just really miss you guys so much!!
Mr. B
hey there i saw your video with the amazing little people singing for Tori and i just wanted to say how wonderful it was.What you do with them and what you did that day documented on screen it just travels throughout the world (at least to Greece where I live)and touched our hearts. Keep doing this Keep singing Keep inspiring..
Thank you so much for that beautiful comment, Konstantina! We were a lucky bunch to get the experience we got, and it's so nice to hear it's being seen all over the world! Much appreciated!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i was just catching up on 22 stuff, AMAZING!!!!!
im in high school now, im Josh by the way. i was in the 06-07 chorus, or known as jester josh. i really wanna visit 22, and hear the new chorus live!!!
thanks jester josh!! do you really think you have to tell me any more than that??? "yes your royal rudeness." :) good to hear from you and your welcome anytime!
YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! i just added all that cause i didnt know if you remembered me. i go to wagner now!!! for performing arts. and i do professional show in the city. (off-broadway, not Broadway yet) but its soo much fun (i just got into another show) rehearsals start friday. but i wanted to thank you for starting me up and shooting me out into the world. if it wasnt for all your work, i probably wouldnt even think about shows in THE CITY. and i realy wanna come visit soon. i wanna see a show, but its too crowded to actually like talk to you. see you soon :) (i just noticede i spelled my name Jpsh, ?????)
yo jestah jpsh! :)
so cool to hear the update! and trust me, your talent was going come out with or without me, but i truly appreciate that awesome praise! definitely hope you can make it out to 22 for a rehearsal or performance!!!
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