On Wednesday, the PS22 Chorus got the "sweetest" surprise ever -- a visit and a cake from Duff and the gang from Charm City Cakes, as featured on the FOOD Network show ACE OF CAKES! The episode with the chorus will be airing within the next few months. The kids put together a few Mr. B originals (to avoid licensing issues for the broadcast) for the festivities, and this song is "African Lion." After the song, check out some highlights of the visit, and be prepared to see the coolest, most magnificent cake ever!!
It was so wonderful and genuinely flattering to see how the entire Charm City crew was just as happy to see the kids as they were to see them! They were completely cool and down to earth! At one point, Duff was even sitting on the floor with the kids showing them pictures of some of his cakes! And the kids were duly blown away by his handiwork!
All of our thanks to everyone at Charm City, particularly Duff, Ben, and Anna for designing this work of art! Big thanks also go to Victor Breinberg, Ms. Lisa and Mrs. Johnson for the great pics and video on this post! More pics below!
Ace Of Cakes Crew arrive at PS22

Duff meets the PS22 Chorus

Avery displays our edible Grammy!

Messale & Anasthasia can't believe their eyes

Neither can the rest of us!

Mr. B meets his Mini-me
Mrs. B, Mr. B, Duff, & Mrs. Johnson

Cutting the cake (Had mixed feelings about that!)

Duff gets some return on his investment, courtesy of Jenna!

Ashley gets a mouthful

Ethan gets a whiff of Duff

No matter how many times I watch AoC I still can't believe people eat the cakes- It just seems so wrong cuz they are all so awesome!
They did a phenomenal job on the cake-- as expected from them! Looks like the kids REALLY enjoyed the spoils of all their hard work.
Love seeing all the pics and video!
Wow, that cake is a work of art!
I love how they copied the letters I used for the website-banner! :)
I love that show... He does put alot of love in his cakes... What an awesome thing for him to give to u and your kids... Thumbs up on that song...
Congratulations! I can only imagine how excited your chorus was.
Hey, Ethan -
I;d like to suggest another name for what you called a "photogenic autograph." Photogentic applies to someone looks great in photographs, and since you are sniffing, we're talking about the sense of small. Olfactory is the word for smelling.
So I propose OLFACTORY AUTOGRAPH. I think that sounds very cool....
Happy sniffing...
julians awesome he is the best he cant believe his eyes i want to see him more maybe a SOLOIST
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