I had to post this video I just found of the mini-chorus of 2003, which includes members of this year's and last year's fifth grade PS22 Chorus. The kids were only in first and second grade when they recorded this. Recognize the soloist? Yup, it's our very own Jarred, back in 1st grade, and even then showing the personality that helped him win this year's PS22 American Idol competition. See if you can spot some of our other present-day fifth grade chorus members -- Angela, Samantha, Zaria, Chris, Dean, and Vivian!
i found Angela and Chris and Dean
can`t find the others
Samantha is in the second row of sopranos (her hair is longer, but she looks pretty much EXACTLY the same.) Justin is in the first row of altos, second from the left. Zaria is on the top row of the sopranos, all the way on the left. And Vivian is on the bottom row of sopranos (third from the left.)
hope that helps! :)
I spoted alot of people such as Nelson,both Justins,Angela,Ralphel,Chris,Zaria,Edwin,Dean,and did I see Ana in there?Also Vivian?I still have pics of her from Kindergarden.Angelica was telling me she talked to Ana,not to long ago. From:James
good eyes, james!! i'm impressed. you even got some of last year's fifth graders too! that's so cool that angelica keeps in touch with ana. she was such an adorable kid! i miss her and her mom! :)
Viv was a sopran? that`s wy i couldn`t find her i was looking in alto`s for her
ok found em all
i saw the mini chorus mr.b on this web site i looked exactly the same we all did i didnt see viv jared he didnt look the same to me i thought that was somebody else my mom said that brung back great memories im going to miss elementry school i cant leave but i have to move on
vivian's hard to spot, but look harder, and you'll see her. :) and i know you guys have to move on, but don't think that i'm happy about it!! :(
I have another question,is that Jessica or Marissa?also stephon was in the mini chorus?There are some others that I didn't remember but,I mostly can name everyone.Also I was wondering if graduation was good.from:James
yeah, james, you're pretty good at spotting everybody! that was indeed stephon, and joey too. the twin was marissa, jessica was a little too shy to be in chorus, back then. fortunately, that all changed when fifth grade chorus came around.
and as far as if graduation went well, WEREN'T YOU THERE?!?! it was spectacular and emotional, just the way a graduation should be. it flowed nicely, and the songs sounded great! i'll be posting about graduation, but i'm trying to get caught up. i have to post about andrew, steven (the sax player), and christopher (the piano player). by the way, since you're my right hand man who always comes through i have to ask you -- what was the video game song that christopher played on the piano??? i want to upload that video, but i don't know the title or what video game it was from....
hi mr.b. i was just wondering if the fifth graders did good at graduation on Friday. so did we? i was also wondering if we did good on the rap.... emma
hi emma! you guys were INCREDIBLE at graduation! i'm so proud of how great you guys sang and just how smoothe the ceremony was all together. it was one of the best ever!
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