Yesterday the chorus performed the national anthem at the start of the historic NY Yankees vs. Toronto Blue Jays, and like A-Rod himself, PS22 knocked it out of the same park!!
When the kids first arrived to Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, they immediately were escorted to the field to rehearse. After soundcheck, they were given a brief tour of Yankees Monument Park, which paid homage to some of the greatest in Yankee history.
The Yankees even agreed to allow the World Series Trophy to be brought out just for the chorus!
Before anybody knew it, it was game time, and the kids took the field to perform. The chorus rocked it, and Albert was nothing short of extraordinary on the solo! Their rendition was greeted with thunderous applause! Throughout the performance they were accompanied by 10 students from a high school for the deaf that signed the anthem. It was a very special presentation, and a perfect way to start off any historic occasion.... (And check out Jose Pena on the bottom right in the 2nd pic below!)
When the kids finished rocking the crowd, they set out to join them for the game. The Yankees provided a beautiful VIP suite, that was catered with all kinds of kid-friendly foods! And the box seats were fantastic for the chorus to be treated to a bird's eye view of A-Rod's record-making home run! Ms. Massimo & Ms. LiPuma even brought along face paint to add to the fun!
All things considered, it's safe to say the PS22 Chorus was in seventh Yankee heaven!

Big thanks to the Yankees and Greg King for this unforgettable day! Equally big thanks to Mrs. Johnson for the awesome video footage, and Victor Breinberg for capturing the day with incredible pics!! (That shot he took of A-Rod at the top of this post is CLASSIC! That was the record-breaking swing!!) Also thanks to Mrs. Panzella, Ms. Massimo, Ms. LiPuma, Ms. Kaufman, Ms. Sweeney, Ms. Sassano, and Mr. & Mrs. Scaglione for helping out and sharing in the fun! More pics below!
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