This past Thursday, December 11th, the PS22 Chorus of 2009 gave a stellar a capella performance at this year's Borough Hall Tree Lighting event! Even though As a result of driving rains (which, needless to say, we got SOAKED in!!), the ceremony was held indoors in a rather sardine can-like room! We managed to all squeeze in, when we realized there was no working keyboard on-hand. So we had to wing it, and they soared on that wing indeed! It was the first time the PS22 Chorus ever performed publicly a capella, and the kids' (in the audience) reaction below says it all!
The PS22 Chorus of '09 have shown that they are pros indeed. Under difficult circumstances, they really pulled it off! And to say the kids "pulled it off" is a massive understatement. You can see the chorus singing White Christmas in the video below that illustrates the point.
"White Christmas"
Thanks to Jared's dad for the awesome video footage. Now enjoy more incredible pictures, courtesy again of Ms. Lisa!
You and your students represent everything that is good and beautiful in public education...and the world.
Plus, your taste in music is (dare I say) perfect. To hear my favorite Tori, Crowded House and Innocence Mission songs with such joy and spirit from your kids is just the dose of joy I've been needing! Thank you, thank you!
Thanks Hannah! We appreciate your taste in music too!! :)
hey mr. b april.p here !!!!the pics & video came out pretty good!!!
I think "great!" is the word your looking for april!! you guys rocked!! :)
I'm a music teacher in Hong Kong, and any time I am having a rough patch with my kids I always watch your kids singing 1000 Oceans on youtube and it restores my patience and love for children! What you have done is just unbelievable and you have a whole school of fans out here in China!!! Thanks to you and your fantastic kids for the beautiful music : )
Thanks Jennifer! Proud and honored to have you on board! :)
These Kids are amazing, and Mr B you are amazing. Watching how they respond to you and how they follow your lead was nothing short of impressive.
You should submit them to do a kids bop cd!
Saw you on PerezHilton again this great. Kids sound perfect. Love YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a super holiday. x.o.
Heyy mr.b wats up im comin to da holiday show cant wait to see yaaa!!! finally lol. just hope i can come early and listen to u guys practicee so excited! byee see u there
I just found your choir through another website and I have spent hours today playing and replaying YouTube videos of these angelic children. What a gift for these kids to have such a wonderful teacher to teach them how to express themselves through song. I am so moved by the energy put into your music. Definitely the most beautiful music I have heard.
Is there anywhere I can buy a CD?
If that doesn't get you in the spirit, nothin' will!
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