Former student Andrew Canlon, one of the star soloists from my first year teaching music at PS60, came for a visit to PS22, and blew us all away with the progress of his incredible talent! One of the coolest people you'll ever meet, Andrew has been continuing his musical career, studying, creating, and performing. He just had a recent radio interview/performance in Florida (one of the DJ's he spoke to was former N Sync member Chris Kirkpatrick!), and he even mentioned the PS22 Chorus during his interview. How cool is that?!
So this meeting of the choral generations took place on June 10th, 2008, and bore many musical fruits! Here are 2 videos of Andrew singing with The PS22 Chorus:
"ALL MY LIFE" by Andrew Canlon written for the PS22 Chorus
"VALOR" by Andrew Canlon featuring Andrew, Justin, and Angela
WOW OMG he was sooooooooo GOOD!!! No not good AMAZING no not amazing OUTTA THIS WORLD!!!!!!!! he is sucha great person and amazing preformer!!! i totally want him to come back b4 the end of the year! but i doubt that lol. anyway that was a great chorus practice. and i will miss u sooooo much next year!
i'm sure andrew will be happy to read your kind words about him and his talent! you're pretty outta this world yourself!! and yes, it was an awesome practice -- we've had many of 'em this year, but definitely that one was special! i'm going to miss you too, trust me! thursday is gonna be tough....
thanx my wordz r always "shweetie" like. and we r pretty amazin if i do say so myself!
and i agree with you if i do say so MYself... :)
hey mr.b sry i didnt come to school do u think ash could give me the permissstion slip i called her and told her to put it in my desk im so so sry :[ i will be here on tuesday!!! love nat
you'll be getting your slip tomorrow. DON'T BE ABSENT! :)
Even though I am your right hand man that was amazing. Andrew seems or is a good guy and talented. OH!!!!! the answer to your question is probably the super mario bros. theme song. well all of them were good.Can you mix them? also which shift am I going on or will tell me tomorrow?
andrew IS a good guy, most definitely! i thought it might have been super mario bros theme, but wasn't sure. everyone will know for sure tomorrow which shift they are on. bring your slip back tomorrow just in case. :)
thanks Brienberg and i will see you tomorrow.
PS:definetly go with mario bros.
Your welcome, James!
From: Breinberg :)
for the eletric company trip i have a whie shirl wit a giant yellow smiley face u think i could wear it?
hmmm, i would think so, but i'd bring something else just in case, just to be safe.....
dear mr.b me jarred patrick andash were on the phone and we all miss u so so so much!!!!
believe me, i miss you too. i'm sitting here watching your videos, and to (almost) quote one of our songs, "i'm laughing and i'm weeping." you guys have made me so proud this year. it was a very emotional day having to say goodbye to you guys, much moreso than i anticipated. but you guys BETTER stay in touch!!!!!! and know that i'll always be here for you. mrs. burns and miss lisa feel the same, i know you know that.
hey mr b i am missing your spit and your puffy hair so much. I am still crying as i look through what we have done this year i am proud and sad i miss you so much and i mean SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. Me and vivian were on the phone talking about electric company and how proud we are but than started crying because we miss you guys we all love you guys to death i am really sad .love you mr b and miss you. love zarmeen
zarmeen, i'm missing you guys too most definitely! we had so many great times this year, and it definitely hurts to say goodbye. but as mrs. burns said, it's only, "see ya later", cuz i know i'll be seeing you guys again. :)
mr.b ummm will u ever leave ps22?? cause then i will be lost but.... me ash angela and kayla came to my house yesterday and we couldnt believe that its over i know ill visit and andrew rocked i loved the electric company trip!! hope to see u soon
i'm not going anywhere, nat! so you'll always know where to find me! and there's always the website. :)
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