The Staten Island Advance featured a nice picture of the chorus in today's paper. The chorus sang 2 songs yesterday for the March of Dimes at a beautiful ceremony that took place in Staten Island Borough Hall. The kids gave an impassioned performance and it was indeed a truly inspiring way to start the festivities! As always, you can click on the Advance picture and those below to enlarge them. Big thanks to Joanne Nuzzo, The March Of Dimes, and the Staten Island Advance!
i like jarreds facial expression but im not suprised that its good we all did a awesome job!
as usual!! :)
Hey Mr.B!!! how is everything??i bet the chorus sounds really good. It's my mom's b-day on the 9th. Hope everthing is going well. I will talk to you later. Bye!
hey mr b i love being in chorus its the best thing ever
hey twinnies! great to hear from you as always!! please wish your mom a happy b-day for me! hey last year when we sang at the March Of Dimes ceremony, I believe if I'm not mistaken that it was you girls in the paper.....
umm is the american idol call backs on monday?
no, you have at least another week. maybe 2. keep practicing! i was so proud of you and your amazing audition!
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