Big thanks to Diane Lore, Irving Silverstein and The Staten Island Advance for the beautiful article and awesome pics!
PLUS: New Additional American Idol 2 Competition Video Footage Posted Below!
First here are some rather entertaining auditions! Here are two PS22 Chorus members of 2005-6, Cynthia (singing Mary J. Blige's Real Love) & Russell (being Russell!)
The next video is from the semi-finals round. Here I get ambushed by contestant Shiva, who was auditioning in the comedy category! I must say, he got me good! But I get MY revenge about two minutes into the video, when some little boy comes into the auditorium to give me a cupcake for his birthday! And boy, revenge was never so "sweet"!!!
Another video from the semi-finals round! The amazing Ben (whose performance of Kirk Franklin's "Now Behold The Lamb" has gotten over 25,000 hits on the internet) performs, "Not Guilty (Thank You Lord For Saving Us)" by John P. Kee and The New Life Choir. Ben is one of the greatest talents to ever come out of the PS22 Chorus! And I'm happy to say he is still singing, and sounds better than ever! Enjoy him here in his fifth grade year, and at the top of his game!
Here now is first grader, Shawn, singing his awesome version of Take Me Out To The Ballgame. Poor Shawn, he planned his act meticulously from beginning to end, and as it happens in show business, NOTHING goes as planned! Didn't matter though -- it made his act even more hysterical and adorable! And he ended up winning the title of Extreme Junior Singer (kindergarten through second grade) American Idol!
Here third grader Mariah sings Lumidee's hit song "I'll Never Leave You (Uh Oh)", and rocks the house!!
Ziha sings an incredible version of Simple Plan's, "Welcome To My Life"!!
And here we have fourth grader Alexa singing a fantastic rendition of Michelle Branch's "All You Wanted". Her sensitive performance and unique timbre won her the title of American Idol in the Junior Singer category (third and fourth grade).
And finally, here is the amazing Sierra, with her title-winning performance of Mariah Carey's "Hero" at the American Idol 2 Competition! Sierra literally had the crowd roaring with enthusiasm and thunderous applause! Safe to say, SHE NAILED IT!
The chorus checking out PS22's video entry at Tribute's Children's exhibit!
The PS22 Chorus with the incredible museum staff!
PS22 Chorus alumnus Carmelo striking his best rock star pose!
...and the Sopranos following suit....
When Angela and Isaac sing, "Time" stops to listen....
Mrs. Burns & Mr. B posin' with Jarred
Robert stops a moment to take it all in.
Matthew having a good ol' time!
Tribute curator Lee Ielpe with the chorus
Carmelo laughing it up with Museum Curator Meriam Lobel
Alexandra performing her amazing rendition of "Amazing Grace"
Isaiah singing with his usual soulfulness.
The men of the chorus making their presence known!
Groupies Mrs. Johnson & Mrs. Burns hangin' with the sopranos!
Wessede, Mr. B, and Aminah beaming after a great performance and a great day!
The PS22 Chorus give their debut performance at the Staaten on Tuesday!
Then on Thursday, the chorus sang at The Tribute WTC Museum, where excerpts from PS22's award-winning musical docu-drama are being featured in its new children's exhibit. It was wonderful to see so many parents and family members come by to the museum and experience the heart and soul that Lee, Jennifer, Meri, Caroline, Wendy, Tondi, and the rest of Tribute put into their work, truly a labor of love. The kids were deeply moved by the visit, and it made them appreciate the depth of those we named heroes that came out of the September 11th tragedy. It was such a moving experience, and the chorus must have been inspired to have vocalized so beautifully. It was an unforgettable event. I will be posting more footage (including video) of the museum performance shortly.
The Chorus with Tribute Museum curator Lee Ielpe.
And to round off a busy week, the chorus marched today in the Staten Island African American, Caribbean American Heritage Parade. The parade ended at Richmond County Stadium, where a celebration took place that welcomed the president of Liberia, and even L'il Mama with her huge hit, Lip Gloss. The chorus was proud to participate and had a fun time marching along the water, and singing all the way! The way-too-cool Mrs. Franks was there with previous chorus member Jahnelle to lead the way. Other former PS22 Chorus alumni came to march with us like Amanda and Kestina, and that was a real treat!
The chorus on stage at Tappen Park!
Marching down Bay Street!
PS22 Chorus with some of our post-grads!
Well it's safe to say that this year is off to an AMAZING start right from the get-go! The new fifth grade chorus members are sounding like they've been doing their thing for ages now, and, astoundingly, they've only been together for less than a month! They are not going to disappoint all those whom await their debut.
Speaking of which, The PS22 Chorus is already in demand, and are booked for 2 performances! The first is the annual Reading Volunteers Breakfast on Tuesday, October 16th. Then on Thursday, October 18th at 12:00 noon, they will be performing at Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center, the World Trade Center museum where video excerpts from our award-winning September 11th docu-drama are currently being exhibited. For directions and more information on Tribute WTC, click on the above link to the museum. The chorus is deeply honored to have the opportunity to sing and be featured at this awe-inspiring place. It's a testimony to the talents and hearts of our extraordinary students.
So here's to another great year for the all-new PS22 Chorus!! And get ready for some video performances to show up on the site in the very near future!