As of October 24, 2007, over 600,000 PS22 Chorus videos have been viewed on the internet -- an astounding number, especially when considering we started our website only a little over a year ago. MINDBOGGLING!!! Congrats to all the PS22 Chorus members, present and past, on this absolutely incredible accomplishment!! A very proud music teacher am I!
now people know how it feels to be left out in pics hahaha
from isaac
listen you (isaac)!! you're in practically every picture and video! i don't feel sorry for you! lol!
I know I just like to bother u hahaha
ps insted of writing anonymous how do you make your name insted of........ you know
from isaac
i KNOW you like to bother me! trust me!!! ;) anyway, in order to have it not say anonymous, you have to open a blogger account. but it's no big deal. just keep it anonymous and remember to sign your name at the end of your comment.
ok spitter b
ooooooh! burn!!
hey its me isaac
go to sleep, isaac!!!
yo b it alex your bff
Alex, I miss you so much, buddy! So happy to hear from you!! Hope you're liking I.S.51. PS22 is NOT the same without you. Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Johnson, and I talk about you all the time! Come visit when you can!
p.s.22 rocked thanks to mr.B made p.s.22 chorus rock and im Nathaly that rote this coment thank you mr.B cause with out you we would sound bad and ones and for all thank you mr.B sineserly:Nathaly ps. sorry i spelled few words wrong
spelling doesn't count here! it's the THOUGHT that counts, and thanks for your kind thoughts!! you're a sweetheart! and i'm so happy to have you in chorus this year!
The kids look wonderful! 07/08 is going to be great!
hey spitter b its isaac
hi isaac! i was just watching your second grade american idol 2 audition! you've come a long way, kiddo!
so far we have been the most greatest chorus in the US! next we will take over the world!!!! :) from bianca
bianca, believe me, the world couldn't be in better hands!
hey mr.B it's Analissa ... finaly got the right site haha
great analissa! now you know how to keep in touch! and i hope you will.
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