Friday, May 11, 2007

The Chorus Gets A Message From Tori Amos!!

Big thanks to Tori and to the nice people at SONY Music for sending this on to us!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe tori signed the pic . I will never forget that day . I don't think no one will ! from ,{chorus member}ridmila

Mr. B said...

Dear Ridmila,

Despite the double negative, I totally agree! Congrats Ridmila and chorus!

Mr. B

Anonymous said...

nice blog, will come everyday!

High Power Rocketry said...

Great page, and great school (I visited it a while back for a science program).

ana's ghost said...

Omg, i just saw the videos...the chorus and Tori singing, Tori crying...AWESOME.

Congratulations Greg and chorus.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... A fellow teacher! I've been looking for a fellow teacher blogger! WOW! I'm so excited. And you teach little ones. How cute.

Keep doing it.


Unknown said...

Mr. B.,

well deserved! i applaud you for your passion and for passing this along to our children.

saw the youtube videos, beyond touching. you really need to share more of this music with the world. shows such beauty and love and emotion in a world right now that is dubious and hostile.

kudos to you, dear dear teacher.

by the way, you must have sold thousands of Tori Amos's new CD with the videos. i know i bought it immediately after seeing your videos. i am sure the folks at sony know this.

with love and gratitude,


Diane Dehler said...

What is it that your kids need in order to tour and promote their music? I would like to suggest that you post a wish list with links as to where inkind and monetary donations can be sent. Does the school have a fund set up specifically to support this music program? You deserve a best teacher award, yourself Mr. B

Anonymous said...

great pic!!! :D