Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween from the PS22 Chorus!!

Another gem from the new 2011 crew!! Tori Amos 'vignettes' often make for fun Halloween songs, so add the PS22 Chorus to the equation and you have instant win! Awesome job to Kaitlynn (fourth grade chorus member) and Kaleb, playing the not-so-happy bride and groom! Happy Halloween from all of us at 22!!

Thanks to Ms. Lisa for the great vid and pic!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

PS22 & Matisyahu at Matt Damon's ONEXONE Fundraiser!

It was an honor to have the PS22 Chorus help raise the roof last night with our old pal Matisyahu at the 3rd Annual ONEXONE Fundraiser at The Capitale in NYC! The organization is sponsored by Academy Award-winner Matt Damon, who proved his cool by taking the time to come up to the chorus's green room to thank and hang with the kids just before they hit the stage! And as far as Matisyahu is concerned, Brianna sums it up best on the bus ride home. (See the vid below!) I don't think you could find a more humble, down-to-earth performer. Thanks to them and everyone at ONEXONE for giving our kids a night to remember! The event was major, and featured such stars such as Patricia & David Arquette, Collective Soul, K'naan and Michael Franti as both performers and attendees. It was an honor to serve the cause! The kids really worked it out, giving a rousing performance, to say the least! And major props to Denise for her awesome soloing with Matis, and her beautiful intro of "No One" by Alicia Keys!

Big thanks to Ms. Lisa for her fantastic video footage and pics! Also thanks to Ms. Laurie, Mrs. Johnson, & Ms. Kaufmann for contributing some more great shots featured on this post, and just sharing in the fun!

On the Red Carpet!

Hangin' with Matt Damon!

Performing with Matis!

Ryan, Antonio, & Mrs. Johnson!
Dominique, Sarah, & Christopher M.!
Jonathon loses a finger... Cameron, Ramius, & Ryan C.!
Abigail & Mia -- peace out yo!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trust In Him

Several years ago, PS22 Chorus members (and brothers) Ben & Eric sang this song for me when they arrived at PS22 from Liberia. (You may recall seeing Ben on numerous occasions 'round these parts -- most notably his performance on "Now Behold The Lamb" by Kirk Franklin.) I had never heard "Trust In Him" before and still have no clue who composed it (anybody?), but the song has remained stuck in my head through all the years that have passed. I decided it was time to do something with it, and Denise & Marquis lead the chorus to another remarkable musical accomplishment. Thanks to brothers Ben & Eric (cousins of Denise -- explains a lot!) for cueing us in to this beautiful spiritual.

And thanks as always to Ms. Lisa for her awesome filming!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Zach Braff Plugs 22!

Actor Zach ("Scrubs") Braff posted the PS22 Chorus classic, "Viva La Vida" on his Facebook page last night! Nice!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A New PS22 Plug from MTV!

Thanks to the MTV Music Blog for the fantastic praise for PS22's latest triumph of "Kids" by MGMT! MTV has been a strong supporter of PS22 and even did an MTV News spot on the kids in June of '09. Check it out below if you missed it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PS22 & Paste!

More incredible recognition for the incredible PS22 Chorus of 2011 rendition of "Kids" by MGMT from one of the most formidable forces in the alternative music world, Paste Magazine!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Start Your Morning with 22!

Make sure you check out the PS22 Chorus tomorrow morning between 7:20 and 7:30 AM (EDT) on WRXP 101.9 FM if you're in the NY area. According to producer Brian Maybe, they will be discussing and playing a few clips of the group singing a couple of their biggest alternative hits! For those not in the area, the show is streamed live as well, so you can check it out on their website.

Monday, October 18, 2010

PS22 on French TV!!

Thanks to PS22 fan Juliette for letting us know about this! Earlier today, PS22 Chorus of 2011 was featured on the French TV program, Le Grand Journal! On the panel as guests and onhand to hear our kids sing were French director Guillaume Canet & actors François Cluzet and Marion Cotillard. You can see it by clicking on this link to Le Grand Journal's website. The PS22 footage begins after the advertisement and about 2:10 into the video.

Friday, October 15, 2010

PS22 Chorus "Kids" Cover MGMT!!

There are some performances I just can't wait to debut, and I've honestly lost sleep over the anticipation of getting this one down! Here is the new PS22 Chorus of 2011 singing the incredible (and appropriately titled) song, "Kids" by MGMT, and to say the group knocked it out of the park would be the understatement of the year!! We all truly had a blast with it, especially with Marquis adding that extra adrenalin kick with some SICK drumming! He worked out his part in just 15 minutes the day before we recorded it, demonstrating that the children at PS22 are indeed multi-talented! So congratulations to the "Kids" on one of the most exciting PS22 Chorus performances to date!!

And thanks to Ms Lisa for her always fantastic filming, AND to Mr. Eberle for his always fantastic guitar work!

UPDATE (10-16-10): The new video has already earned thirty-three(!!!) impressive YouTube honors, including the #5 Most Viewed Music Video Today! Check 'em out below! As is customary here with regard to YouTube honors, we'll continue to update until they peak.

UPDATE 2 (10-16-10): Thanks to the forefather of PS22 supporters, Perez Hilton, for his fantastic plug for our new video! See below:

UPDATE 3 (10-17-10): The new video is currently being featured on the homepage of YouTube as a Trending Video!! Check out the screencap below!

UPDATE 4 (10-18-10): Three incredible new plugs for the PS22 Chorus version of "Kids" surfaced today from Marie Claire, NY Magazine, & Prefix Magazine! Check 'em out below!

Marie Claire's Twitter

NY Magazine's VULTURE Blog

Prefix Magazine

UPDATE 5 (10-19-10): Add Billboard Magazine to the list of incredible plugs the new PS22 Chorus video has received!! See below.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Great SILive Article on PS22's KT Tunstall Visit!

Check out this great article on about the visit KT Tunstall paid to the PS22 Chorus of 2011 on Friday! Thanks to Justin Sarachik, the SI Advance reporter, and Scott Vollweiler for the awesome pics that accompany the story!

No One Can Flow To You Like PS22...

Denise & Azaria got the arrangement together pretty quickly of this beautiful song Denise brought to us and taught to us that morning. Singing in 2 part harmony is very difficult at this stage of the game, but to be able to do it effortlessly one on one and so young, is truly the mark of formidable talent. Here are the girls singing "Flow To You" by Bishop Paul S. Morton.

And here is Denise singing "No One" and "Falling" by Alicia Keys at rehearsal a couple of weeks back.

Saturday, October 09, 2010


Yesterday, the PS22 Chorus of 2011 received a visit from the brilliant singer-songwriter KT Tunstall! She was kind enough to take the time out of a busy promotional schedule for her new CD, Tiger Suit, to meet up with the elementary school chorus kids extraordinaire! And what a visit!! She performed two of her new songs with the kids, including the fantastic new single, "Fade Like A Shadow!"

The kids had a blast (as you can plainly see), and were fantastic (as you can plainly hear), especially when considering that the new group is only together for less than a month, AND that the kids just started learning their parts for the songs last rehearsal!! They definitely did KT proud, and of course their chorus director as well!

I can't say enough great things about KT! She was enchanted by the kids, and equally enchanting right back, beyond her magnificent talent. A real class act, she was kind enough to bring CDs and posters for ALL the kids in the chorus, and took the time to autograph each one as the kids eagerly lined up to greet her. So yeah, the PS22 Chorus AND Mr. B officially adore KT Tunstall! Check out some more amazing pics courtesy of Victor Breinberg, Ms. Lisa, Mrs. Panzella & Mrs Kaufmann! Thanks to them, and again to Ms. Lisa for her beautiful job capturing the magic on video!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

See Another Good Day NY with Julie Chang!

Yesterday, as previously announced, the kids made their third appearance on Good Day New York, and rocked it hard! Songs featured in the two vids of the appearance include, "The Shining" by Badly Drawn Boy, "One Day" by Matisyahu, "No One" by Alicia Keys, "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga, "He Loves Me" by Jill Scott, "Love" (spiritual), and "Imagine" by John Lennon. Biggest thanks to our awesome pal, entertainment reporter Julie Chang, and to Fox 5 Good Day New York for a good day indeed!!



And thanks as always to our very own Ms. Lisa for the awesome pics you see on this post (with the exception of the one she's in just below, of course!)

Monday, October 04, 2010

Tomorrow's Going To Be Another GOOD DAY, NY!

For all you NY Tri-staters, just got word today that Good Day New York will be returning to PS22 to film the new chorus sometime in the early morning! (Most likely the spot will air live sometime right before 9:00 AM.) In the meantime check out our two previous Good Day NY spots from 2010 and 2009!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Teen Kids News!

It's been over a year since we announced that this was in the works, but here is the legendary PS22 Chorus of 2009 on the FOX TV show, TEEN KIDS NEWS, which was finally broadcasted both yesterday and today nationwide! Well worth the wait!!

Friday, October 01, 2010


PS22 Chorus fans have spoken and the fan-favorite PS22 Chorus collaboration video is 2010's "One Day" with Matisyahu!! The extremely close second was "You Raise Me Up" with Celtic Woman.

Be sure to vote in the new October Poll, found on the right sidebar. And check out all the nominees below before you do!

The Shining

New members Marquis & Abigail lead the new crew to another triumph for the PS22 Chorus of 2011! Here the kids are performing one of my all-time favorite songs, "The Shining" by Badly Drawn Boy! I honestly can't get over their polish for only 3 weeks into school -- this is going to be a special year for sure!!

Love & thanks to Ms. Lisa who filmed this beautiful performance and snapped the pic for the post!