Monday, October 18, 2010

PS22 on French TV!!

Thanks to PS22 fan Juliette for letting us know about this! Earlier today, PS22 Chorus of 2011 was featured on the French TV program, Le Grand Journal! On the panel as guests and onhand to hear our kids sing were French director Guillaume Canet & actors François Cluzet and Marion Cotillard. You can see it by clicking on this link to Le Grand Journal's website. The PS22 footage begins after the advertisement and about 2:10 into the video.


  1. WOW!!! international press in the first quarter of the year!

    AMAZING and so well deserved....

  2. Thank YOU for being such amazing performers (and teacher) :)

    I was actually nicely surprised that your voices came to me through my own tv ^^

    Keep on rockin :D
    (and yes it is well deserved !!)

  3. Now, we know that the chorus is terrific. But who can give us a translation of the French?

  4. @Anonymous
    -Coolest kid chorus
    -So, still in the state of New York, there is fabulous chorus. You gonna like it, it's funnier. It's a kid chorus called PS22Chorus lead by Gregg Breinberg, made up of kids between 9 and 10years old.
    Since 2006, it became famous through internet.
    They remix various artist like Talking Head, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Pheonix and their last remix is Kids (MGMT)

    I hope it's readable, i'm not that good at translation.

  5. Basically she presents the choir as "a fabulous children choir", explains how they got famous through youtube with covers of phoenix, lady gaga etc, and adds that they are as cute as can be ;)


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-- MGMT. :)

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