Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Start Your Morning with 22!

Make sure you check out the PS22 Chorus tomorrow morning between 7:20 and 7:30 AM (EDT) on WRXP 101.9 FM if you're in the NY area. According to producer Brian Maybe, they will be discussing and playing a few clips of the group singing a couple of their biggest alternative hits! For those not in the area, the show is streamed live as well, so you can check it out on their website.


  1. Hey Gregg - for your worldwide fans - we're still in Daylight time ( clocks haven't changed). So its EDT.

  2. thank you for the correction! :)

  3. I heard it! All the way from Holland (yay for audio streaming!). Awesome stuff, PS22!

  4. another reason to move to new york. XD


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-- MGMT. :)

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