Friday, October 15, 2010

PS22 Chorus "Kids" Cover MGMT!!

There are some performances I just can't wait to debut, and I've honestly lost sleep over the anticipation of getting this one down! Here is the new PS22 Chorus of 2011 singing the incredible (and appropriately titled) song, "Kids" by MGMT, and to say the group knocked it out of the park would be the understatement of the year!! We all truly had a blast with it, especially with Marquis adding that extra adrenalin kick with some SICK drumming! He worked out his part in just 15 minutes the day before we recorded it, demonstrating that the children at PS22 are indeed multi-talented! So congratulations to the "Kids" on one of the most exciting PS22 Chorus performances to date!!

And thanks to Ms Lisa for her always fantastic filming, AND to Mr. Eberle for his always fantastic guitar work!

UPDATE (10-16-10): The new video has already earned thirty-three(!!!) impressive YouTube honors, including the #5 Most Viewed Music Video Today! Check 'em out below! As is customary here with regard to YouTube honors, we'll continue to update until they peak.

UPDATE 2 (10-16-10): Thanks to the forefather of PS22 supporters, Perez Hilton, for his fantastic plug for our new video! See below:

UPDATE 3 (10-17-10): The new video is currently being featured on the homepage of YouTube as a Trending Video!! Check out the screencap below!

UPDATE 4 (10-18-10): Three incredible new plugs for the PS22 Chorus version of "Kids" surfaced today from Marie Claire, NY Magazine, & Prefix Magazine! Check 'em out below!

Marie Claire's Twitter

NY Magazine's VULTURE Blog

Prefix Magazine

UPDATE 5 (10-19-10): Add Billboard Magazine to the list of incredible plugs the new PS22 Chorus video has received!! See below.


  1. wow mr.b we were amazing,awesome,and splendid we rocked the house once again

    from:dominique ;)

  2. no doubt!! the new group's best so far! thanks! :)

  3. your welcome and the chorus is always great


  4. AWESOME!!!!-ashley

  5. Once all never cease to amaze me! Awesome, awesome job on one of my favorite songs.
    Keep rockin PS22!!
    Much love from Texas, n.v.

  6. You guys totally ROCKED this one! Cannot give enough credit to Marquis, though, because he's the one to blame for the wicked awesomeness of this performance!

  7. Marquis!!!

    Just awesome; what a performance.

  8. Wow....This year's Chorus went from a brief spring training right to the World Series, without singin/rehearsing in the summer season.

    This is really phenomonal, but I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of phenoms.

    Congrats to all,

  9. WOW!!! Super hit number one for the year-- GREAT JOB to everyone.... I know there will be MANY more viral hits to come..

    YOU GUYS SOUND AWESOME-- even more amazing that it's so early in the year.... what a year this will be!!! Can't wait to come along for the ride~

  10. Did I just see Tirzah's little brother??? :D What was his name again?

  11. OMG!
    You guys certainly are getting popular. (:

  12. Congratulations to you and the kids for creating something so beautiful! Thanks for bringing some joy into my day. Now I want to be a music teacher.

  13. I Just saw you guys on french TV ! :)
    I send you the images and link by e-mail

    Great job, as usual !!!! :D
    love from Paris :)

  14. Sois los mejores, seguid haciendo música.

    Saludos desde España


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-- MGMT. :)

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