Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trust In Him

Several years ago, PS22 Chorus members (and brothers) Ben & Eric sang this song for me when they arrived at PS22 from Liberia. (You may recall seeing Ben on numerous occasions 'round these parts -- most notably his performance on "Now Behold The Lamb" by Kirk Franklin.) I had never heard "Trust In Him" before and still have no clue who composed it (anybody?), but the song has remained stuck in my head through all the years that have passed. I decided it was time to do something with it, and Denise & Marquis lead the chorus to another remarkable musical accomplishment. Thanks to brothers Ben & Eric (cousins of Denise -- explains a lot!) for cueing us in to this beautiful spiritual.

And thanks as always to Ms. Lisa for her awesome filming!


  1. love this! awesome job children....you all are very blessed and privileged and are destined to go so far in life. you guys are great. and the adults over you are awesome for the guidance/teaching they are providing. YOU ROCK!

  2. Love this song!!! The chorus (and soloists) sounds great.

  3. What a treat! Not only the music and singing but the video! I've been silently hoping that the videography might improve and this is great! Sounds like the the audio is improving too. These kids are so great I want to hear them as if it were live in my own room. Great work to all involved!


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-- MGMT. :)

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