Monday, October 11, 2010

No One Can Flow To You Like PS22...

Denise & Azaria got the arrangement together pretty quickly of this beautiful song Denise brought to us and taught to us that morning. Singing in 2 part harmony is very difficult at this stage of the game, but to be able to do it effortlessly one on one and so young, is truly the mark of formidable talent. Here are the girls singing "Flow To You" by Bishop Paul S. Morton.

And here is Denise singing "No One" and "Falling" by Alicia Keys at rehearsal a couple of weeks back.


  1. So much fun! These girls are amazing.

  2. INCREDIBLE! Wow Wow Wow.....

    keep it coming girls....

  3. WONDERFUL wonderful wonderful. Can't believe how well the two girls did.
    Thanks! Rike

  4. Hey Mr.b it`s me Alyssa O`like your new chorus keep up the good work,it`ll pay off.Denise was awsome!Look foward to visiting again sometime soon:)

  5. She is soooo good! I love it!


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-- MGMT. :)

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