Wednesday, September 28, 2011

PS22 Chorus Covers "Fearlessness" by Tori Amos

Here is the all-new PS22 Chorus of 2012 performing "Fearlessness" by the brilliant Tori Amos off of her recent classical music-based release, NIGHT OF HUNTERS! Soloist Faith and her fellow chorus members show amazing depth and soul in this beautiful cover version of Tori's song, based on the piece "Orientale" from 12 SPANISH DANCES by classical composer Enrique Granados. Certainly this is a challenging song for a brand new chorus to tackle (these kids are only working together for three weeks!), but somehow the new crew pulls it off (understatement alert!) with a multiple chill-inducing performance....

Thanks go (as always) to Ms. Lisa for her beautiful filming!

UPDATE (9/29/11): Thanks to the PS22 Chorus super-fan Perez Hilton for the wonderful accolades he bestowed on the kids for their wonderful performance on his blog today! Check out the screencap below!

Monday, September 26, 2011

PS22 Chorus is GOOD!!

In addition to being featured on The Insider today, the new PS22 Chorus of 2012 was further acknowledged for its cover of "Pilgrimage" by Suzanne Vega on the mega-popular website! With major acknowledgement for their first two videos, it's safe to say these kids are on quite a roll!! Check out a screen cap of the fantastic review of the chorus's powerful performance below!

Ricki Lake & Derek Hough Watch PS22 Chorus Vid on THE INSIDER!

Check out Ricki Lake and Derek Hough from Dancing With The Stars being shown the PS22 Chorus "Theme Drickilous" video on The Insider! Click on the above video to watch (PS22 segment comes in about 1:20) or the screen cap from the The Insider's website below to read! So cool!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The 2012 Pilgrimage

With an appropriately titled cover as the PS22 Chorus of 2012 begins its journey, here is the brand new crew singing "Pilgrimage" by Suzanne Vega (co-written by Anton Sanko). Big props to Daniel for an amazing job on the solo part! This new 2012 group has been completely blowing me away thus far -- they're like old pros and it's only September!!

ET Online Gives Props to the all-new PS22 Chorus's First Video of the Year!

The PS22 Chorus of 2012 is off to a pretty amazing start! Aside from the amazing recognition they've gotten from Ricki Lake and Derek Hough, yesterday the kids' first video was featured on ET Online's blog with some very encouraging words! Check out the screen cap below...

Monday, September 19, 2011

PS22 Chorus of 2012 Debuts "Theme Drickilous"

After hearing through the grapevine that Ricki Lake was a huge PS22 Chorus fan, we decided to show her some support in turn on her latest endeavor as a Dancing With The Stars contestant! Her DWTS dance partner, Derek Hough, had started a theme song for their team, which Ricki tweeted last week, and at Friday's rehearsal, we decided to give them some help and finish it up for them.

So here it is, the long-awaited debut of the brand new PS22 Chorus of 2012 with its debut performance of the year, which we dedicate of course to Derek and Ricki, aka Team Drickilous! Pretty confident you'll agree that the new crew has personality and enthusiasm beyond the likes of which we've EVER seen before! And soloist Kevin shows he has only improved with age since winning our school's American Idol competition back in 2008, when he was only in first grade!

Definitely a fun way to start off the year...


UPDATE: Thrilled to see that both Ricki and Derek tweeted (and retweeted respectively) some great responses to the 2012 kids' video debut!! We really appreciate them taking the time to send their love and gratitude on what we're sure must be an incredibly busy day for them with Dancing With The Stars debuting tonight! Check out the tweets below!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

PS22 Chorus Alumni Star In Spike Lee 9/11 Commercial

Weeks ago the PS22 Chorus was contacted by Spike Lee to sing its classic rendition of "Empire State of Mind" for a 9/11 themed commercial he was slated to direct. Unfortunately we were unable to participate, but we're thrilled to find out that more than a few of our former chorus members were selected to be included in the project! So huge congrats to Avery ("Sing Yourself" soloist), Jared ("Eye of the Tiger" soloist), Kayla S. ("Fireflies" soloist), Alyssa O. ("Run This Town" rapper), Eddie ("Wintersong" soloist), Ethan ("Sniffy"),   Isaiah B., Leah L., Nicole M., and several other PS22 graduates!  Check out the commercial and some behind the scenes footage as well below, where our former students are featured prominently!

And here is the original PS22 Chorus cover from 2010 that was, according to Spike Lee, a very big part of the inspiration behind his commercial.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

PS22 Chorus Makeover 2012!

With the brand new 2012 school year upon us, of course it is a time for change. To accompany the new array of bright-faced chorus members, we have updated the blog and shirt design accordingly, and we think the PS22 Chorus of 2012 is looking sharp!! Huge thanks to PS22 fan and friend Zendrig for the absolutely stunning new header pic!! Click on the pic below to check it out or download in full size!

Friday, September 09, 2011

NY TIMES Joins PS22 For Our First Day of the 2012 School Year!

Yesterday, Noah Rosenberg, reporter for the NY TIMES, spent the morning with us for our first day of the school year! The article is currently appearing in today's edition of the NY Times. For our out-of-state/country fans, catch the awesome write-up of his experience here. You can even see a glimpse of some of our brand new PS22 Chorus of 2012 members donning this year's T-shirts in the accompanying article! AND the brief announcement of a documentary project that many of you long-suspected was in the works! It's gearing up to be quite a year already, so stay tuned!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

September 11, 2001 Revisited

As the 10th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11/2001 approaches, we will be presenting over the course of the next few days the 2002 PS22-filmed docu-drama, The Conference, for the first time in its entirety in five separate video installments. This award-winning production was filmed in 2002, the same school-year as the September 11th attacks. In 2007, it was featured as part of an exhibit in the World Trade Center museum, TRIBUTE WTC. Pretty amazing especially when considering this was filmed with literally NO budget! 10 years later, and it still is the project I'm most proud to have been associated with. It's a tribute to these remarkable kids that after all this time, the movie still packs an emotional wallop in every which direction.....

Thursday, September 01, 2011


The fans have spoken on your favorite PS22 Chorus of 2011 viral video, and the winner is "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele!

Don't forget to vote in our new September poll asking you to weigh in on your favorite PS22 Chorus "remix!" Check out all the nominees below!

"This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)" by The Talking Heads