Thursday, September 22, 2011

The 2012 Pilgrimage

With an appropriately titled cover as the PS22 Chorus of 2012 begins its journey, here is the brand new crew singing "Pilgrimage" by Suzanne Vega (co-written by Anton Sanko). Big props to Daniel for an amazing job on the solo part! This new 2012 group has been completely blowing me away thus far -- they're like old pros and it's only September!!


  1. i love it that is so coooooooool

    from zyasia 5a-127

  2. these kids are talented i would love to be in 5th grade chorus

    F.Y.I i love the video

    NYEMA.W 4a-221

  3. i think the chorus did a really good job as the background!!!!!!!

    from daniel 5a-127

  4. I have to admit this chorus got rhythem!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!! =)

    Angel 5a-127

  5. ok!!!!!Someone tell me how awesome Mr.B,Mrs.Lisa and The chorus is.....AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Angel 5a-127:P.S im a Panzella!

  6. this was really good. we did an awesome job. im so proud :D

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126

  7. i love how the kids show emotion to the music.

  8. awesome how can kids do this these kids have so much talent in them i also love how they show emotion when i was little i didnt have these clubs so they are very lucky


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-- MGMT. :)

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