Friday, September 09, 2011

NY TIMES Joins PS22 For Our First Day of the 2012 School Year!

Yesterday, Noah Rosenberg, reporter for the NY TIMES, spent the morning with us for our first day of the school year! The article is currently appearing in today's edition of the NY Times. For our out-of-state/country fans, catch the awesome write-up of his experience here. You can even see a glimpse of some of our brand new PS22 Chorus of 2012 members donning this year's T-shirts in the accompanying article! AND the brief announcement of a documentary project that many of you long-suspected was in the works! It's gearing up to be quite a year already, so stay tuned!!


  1. Thank-you so much for your dedication and awesome talent. I've played some of your music for my Kindergarteners here in Austin, TX and when I tell them your group is in 5th grade they can't believe it. I use you as an example, to show them that they can do anything if they practice and want it enough. (don't laugh, but Kindergarten can be a scary place). You're all doing a beautiful thing, thank-you!

  2. lol!! i look hilarious. mr.B you too.

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126


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-- MGMT. :)

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