Tuesday, September 06, 2011

September 11, 2001 Revisited

As the 10th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11/2001 approaches, we will be presenting over the course of the next few days the 2002 PS22-filmed docu-drama, The Conference, for the first time in its entirety in five separate video installments. This award-winning production was filmed in 2002, the same school-year as the September 11th attacks. In 2007, it was featured as part of an exhibit in the World Trade Center museum, TRIBUTE WTC. Pretty amazing especially when considering this was filmed with literally NO budget! 10 years later, and it still is the project I'm most proud to have been associated with. It's a tribute to these remarkable kids that after all this time, the movie still packs an emotional wallop in every which direction.....

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-- MGMT. :)

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