Saturday, January 01, 2011

DECEMBER 2010 Poll Results

PS22 Chorus fans have spoken and the top 3 PS22 Chorus holiday performances are, "Snow Angel" by Tori Amos from the 2011 Chorus, "Let There Be Peace on Earth" from the 2009 Chorus, and with the highest percentage of votes, "O Holy Night" from the 2010 Chorus! All fine choices indeed!!

And make sure you vote in our new January Poll on the right sidebar! This month's poll allows you to vote for your favorite PS22 video featuring an Academy Award nominated (or awarded) actor! Be an educated voter, and take some time to watch all the nominated videos below!

Anne Hathaway & PS22 Chorus 2011

Matt Damon (Matisyahu) & PS22 Chorus 2011

Marcia Gay Harden & PS22 Chorus 2007

Matthew Modine & PS22 Chorus 2005

Queen Latifah & PS22 Chorus 2010


  1. Wow!! Good picks for the top three from last month but for this month I'm gonna have to go with Anne Hathaway video hands down for so many reasons!!

  2. Such a difficult choice between the Matisyahu (One Day) and Queen Latifah songs/clips! I'd really like to vote for both - they are my "go to" songs when I need an instant dose of "pick-me-up". You all are fabulous - thank you for sharing. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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