Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More German PS22 Chorus Press!

PS22 Chorus has been all over Germany recently, at least in print! The kids first appeared earlier this month in Dein Spiegel (pic above, and big thanks to writer Severin Mevissen for copies of the magazine)! The kids were again featured in today's issue of the Koehlner Stadt-Anzeiger! The online version can be found here. A big danke schön to all of our German friends!! We appreciate the support from overseas!


  1. I like the article from the Kölner (Cologne) Stadtanzeiger.
    And it`s cool to read so much German stuff from you guys.
    I just searched for an online version of this article from the children´s magazine Dein Spiegel but I could only find an article posted in June 2010 on Spiegel Online:,1518,691322,00.html


  2. Oh, believe me, it´s not only all over in print over here... I keep sharing links with friends ;-)
    Keep on singing!!!
    - a german fan

  3. Hi!
    I bought the "Dein Spiegel"-magazine for my kids but when skimming through it I got stuck with the article about you guys. Now I spent the last hour jumping from you-tube-clip to you-tube-clip listening to your awesome performances! You are a really amazing bunch of kids with beautiful voices and an incredible teacher!
    All the best from Germany!


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-- MGMT. :)

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