Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Concert 2010

Well it's no secret of the big news that was revealed via Anne Hathaway at the PS22 Chorus Winter Concert 2010, but of course that doesn't take away from the amazing show that took place before the big reveal! Catch some highlights from this year's holiday performance below!

One of the best that night wasn't even on the program. Fortunately we were feeling spontaneous! Check out this ASTOUNDING rendition of "He Loves Me" by Jill Scott (also inspired by the version by Karen & KiKi Clark Sheard). And Denise on those leads? Nothing short of a revelation!

Another definitive highlight was seeing the debut of the fourth grade chorus (aka PS22 Chorus of 2012)! Kevin is awesome calling upon his best inner James Brown, and shows why he won the PS22 American Idol Graniteville Edition in 2008, back when he was in 1st grade! The fourth graders enthusiasm nearly stole the show, and left everyone wanting more!!

Alicea also returned to the stage, this time as a third grader, singing the Christmas classic "Jingle Bell Rock!" And rock it she did!! This little firecracker is getting ready to explode -- enough to almost make you want to fast forward to PS22 Chorus of 2013!!

2009 PS22 Chorus member Allie returns with this powerful rendition of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" and demonstrates how she became a legend 'round these parts.

Thanks to Ms. Lisa for all the amazing videos, and to my dad, Victor Breinberg, for all the incredible pics on this post. More below!


  1. great moments captured AWESOMELY!!!

  2. Alicea, you sing amazingly! Fantastic clear, strong voice with a really nice quaint touch to it. I love it. You go girl! :)

  3. Hey WAIT the first photo we didn't hear that one did we ?? Happy new, incredible and musical year to all of you :)



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