Saturday, December 25, 2010

PS22 Brings in Christmas on TODAY Show and FOX & FRIENDS


  1. If this doesn't make the busy shoppers in the background pause and rest for a moment, I don't know what will.
    That was beautiful.

  2. Amazing :) I love you guys so much. Keep on listening over and over again!

    Just wondering, though: didn't you have some sort of christmas show in your school? i loved those vids last year! or have you been too busy this time?

    Love and season's greetings from Germany
    Kira :)

  3. Wow Kira - go dig a little and you're in for a treat as to what happened at this year's show!

  4. Always great to hear the kids sing!! Such a beautiful gift to us this Christmas season, thank you! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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