Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ithacappella & Adiza Return!

Yesterday, the PS22 Chorus of 2011 was treated to a visit by our "old" friends Ithacappella! After doing an assembly for the entire fifth grade in the morning, they made a guest appearance at our chorus rehearsal later that afternoon to join forces with the kids on Katy Perry's "Firework." We were also treated to a visit from former PS22 Chorus member Adiza, who now is in Ithaca College's all-female choir, Premium Blend. So of course we put her to work too. The results are astounding, as you can see below.

More magic happened when Ithacappella spontaneously joined in on a version of our cover of "Imagine" by John Lennon. Azaria, who had a really bad cold, took us by surprise and gave one of her most impressive performances to date. And the addition of Ithacappella takes this version to a whole new level of fantastic.

Personally speaking, I would just like to thank the gentlemen at Ithacappella (and of course, my Dizzy too!) for lifting my spirits during a difficult time for me and my family, and reminding me of the healing power of music. Yesterday did wonders for my soul, and I know the kids will echo my sentiments when I say it was one of the most memorable moments of a rather incredible year for the PS22 Chorus. To help give further insight to the electricity of this collaboration, here is a little something Ithacappella improvised with the kids to get everyone warmed up -- "Ithacappella! PS22!"

And to sign off this very special post, we leave you off with two of our favorite videos featuring Adiza during her time at PS22! Also make sure to check out this amazing improv she did a few years back with another of our legendary progidies, Justin.

UPDATE (1-12-11): Huge thanks to our pal Perez Hilton for posting our 'fab collab' with Ithacappella!


  1. nothing but fabulousness all around! LOVE another great collab!

    keep rocking and having fun.... music is the great uniter and can lift even the heaviest of hearts... ESPECIALLY when it's the music you all make!

  2. It´s so brilliant. I´m from Germany and I love your music - it´s from your heart.
    Keep it up!
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland :)

  3. Hi Mr. B.

    As soon as I heard this song on the radio, I hoped you'd get inspired use it with your chorus. WOW, I was not disappointed!
    The fullness of sound, the breadth of expressions of joy on all the faces...
    It was something special to see all different aged singers, at different stages of their musical careers all merging as one musical machine.
    I enjoyed seeing the two soloists, one from each group and how they really complemented each other.
    Your interpretation written for the chorus, their performance and excitement, and accompaniment of Ithacaplla really brought this song to new heights.

    I hope you continue to collaborate with musical groups, and share all of this with us, the humble internet audience.

    Best of luck at the Oscars, and I am happy the chorus could lift your spirits; you lift their potential every day.

    From a Fan since 2008,

    PS: Your lyrics for "Independent Woman" (2007) are very good! Will we see more of this?

  4. Yesterday (1-14-11) "Fireworks" was featured in a German TV show as the "Top of the Day".
    We really love you over here :) You are amazing. Every single one of you :)

  5. Your children are amazing! I LOVE listening to them sing. From one teacher to another...thank you for putting your kids out there to inspire others and share their amazing gift. Keep it up, God bless and all the best of luck for the future! PS 22 ROCKS! <3

  6. Hey PS22-
    I have to say your choir is AMAZING! I am always on your youtube account listening to the new music you guys put up and I love it(: Each and every one of you are talented and I love to see each of you preform! You all should keep it up, don't ever doubt yourself. Good luck at the Oscars, I can't wait to see it!

    Mr. B-
    From what I see from these videos, you inspire these kids to do what they love to do without being afraid to do it. I love watching your kids preform(: Please keep updating us with new music!



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-- MGMT. :)

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