Tuesday, May 18, 2010

PS22 Chorus in Phoenix Documentary!

Yesterday, the Creators Project website released an online documentary about the band Phoenix, whose amazing song, "Lisztomania," was covered by the PS22 Chorus of 2010 a few months back to great effect! It's fantastic to see PS22 included in this new documentary, and to hear the great things the band had to say about the kids! Check it out above.... (The PS22 footage starts at 4:10).


  1. WOW...Great to see Phoenix getting the recogntion they deserved. Even greater that the PS22 Chrous is part of the documentary.

    I assume that your cover has greatly forwarded Phoenix...rather than other people's hits forwarding the Chorus. Strange, interesting...way cool.


  2. wow that was so nice of them to include the chorus in the video but the chorus truly does deserve it they work and especially mr.bs work pays off for what you all are doing be proud of yourselves

  3. Guys, you're now famous in France! Phoenix are the guest of the french musical show “Taratata” on national french television France 2 this week, and during the interview part, the interviewer mentionned the PS22 Chorus and showed a few of your rendition of “Lisztomania”. Phoenix mentionned again how tears came when they heard you.

    I was so glad to hear from you there! Mr B. and the kids, keep up the good work! You're just wonderful!

  4. As Vincent said, you are now famous in France, and to see the video you can go here http://www.mytaratata.com/Pages/VIDEO_page_video.aspx?sig=iLyROoafvRwe and it's about the minutes 11.30.

    The band says the they cried when they see the chorus singing and they say that they will come too see you in your class... Hope they will do it !

  5. Hi, just heard about PS22 choir yesterday, and I'm starting thinking that maybe there's hope for this world after all, truly amazing.

    Keep it up kids and teacher!

    If I have a chance to meet Thomas again I'll talk to him about you guys, but I'm pretty sure they'll drop by PS 22.

    Cheers from Paris.


  6. I love the fact that I'm officially NOT the only french to know you ;)

    I've been showing your videos around for years and still haven't met anyone who wasn't touch by your energy and soul.

    Chorus of 2010, I'm gonna miss you guys and your music SO much ...

    Mister B, chorus of 2011, here we go for yet another amazing year ;)

    Love from France,


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