Friday, May 14, 2010

The Honorary Jarrod Gorbel

This afternoon, the PS22 Chorus of 2010 got a visit from Jarrod Gorbel, former frontman of Brooklyn indie band, The Honorary Title, to make some music! Once things got started, the kids and I were all blown away by his voice and musicianship, and of course this great song! But the real shock of the day came at the realization that Jarrod and I went to the same college and used to hang! Small world, eh?

But no real shock whatsoever at this point in just how quickly the kids picked up the song. They literally learned their part in about 15 minutes flat before Jarrod arrived. And the man himself is a true and obvious talent -- I remember back at school being extremely envious of his Ani DiFranco-like guitar skills. All in all, a great afternoon of solid music-making!

One more video from this collaboration coming soon.....


  1. This was beautifully powerful. I love the end! This artist is new to me; thanks for introducing him!

    Great job guys!! Never cease to amaze!! Keep it up and I'll be around soon now that things ar settling down with school!!
    Cant wait to see you all!

    Lots of love

  3. LOVE this sound... another great collaboration that leaves me only wanting more!!

    ~~ and good to see that Allie will be coming around again... gotta luv those alums!

  4. hi mr.b. its lucresse.i like this song alot. i also like the nightingale song, too. both are pure awsomeness!!!

  5. Awesome!!! The Honorary Title is one of my favorite bands! I love love love Jarrod!

    Great job!

  6. Mr. B / Kids -

    I am already pre-mourning year's end...and the departure of the 2010Chorus...Just a year ago, the 2009-ers posted Gold Dust. So much more of the stuff has passed through our hands in the past 12 months. Fortunately, at the end, it is so eary to cherish every note, every harmony, every lyric.

    I hope--actually I urge you to have a protracted video at the end of the year, so that the kids can talk about what the year has meant to them. The two young ladies who thank Queen Latifa and Common were so incredibly articulate and filled with so much gratitude...I would love to see and hear the kids tell their story.


  7. More from Jarrod still coming?

  8. Mr B and kids...
    I know that this years school year doesn't end for another month or so, and I'm sure that (well, I hope that) we'll see a few more vids of your songs before the year ends... but I wanted to thank you for the joy that you've brought me when I watch the videos that you've posted. I can't express how many times I have watched your songs after "one of those days" and come away feeling much better.

    To the kids in the chorus (this years and previous years...) Thank you for letting us all share a bit of your lives in the videos and letting us laugh along with you. The joy and emotion that you express with your beautiful voices is felt by every person that watches your videos around that world (what an amazing accomplishment!) We need more positive energy to bring us all together. I hope that you keep that positive energy in your hearts throughout all of your lifes journeys.
    I wish there was more that I could say than thank you.... I wish you all- all the best, next year and in all of the years to come.

    (Ontario, Canada)

  9. Hey mr.B its kayla.R I cant wait to see you and the new chorus again..... I heard that Ali was coming to visit you ,i think she is in 861 with me.I still wish i went to 51, i mean it is not a bad scholl but still.Hope to see you soon.

  10. Hi Kayla! Can't wait to see you too! As for your school, give it time. It's only just begun. AND you have Mrs. Johnson, and for that I'm very jealous!! ;) MISS YOU!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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