Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PS22 Chorus on OPRAH!! ('nuff said!)


  1. I actually just finished watching the Oprah show and immediately went to YouTube and searched you guys =] Every single song that the kids sing is BEAUTIFUL! I will be playing your versions of the songs to my kids from now on =] Thank You so much for your hard work!

  2. Nice job MrB - look at how much you guys have accomplished in the past year! Way to go guys! Sky is the limit ;-)

  3. It was uplifting to see your chorus work this hard. As I myself being a chorus veteran, you were able to give me goose bumps and bring me to tears with just the computer, I can't imagine your power in person. Kids you're amazing, and you can do anything...As for your teacher, it's wonderful to see a colleague teach with such passion and care. Kudos to you all!

  4. I just discovered PS22! Where have I been? Holy Moley! I spent the night listening to so many songs (and forwarded the videos to my friends). Mr. B you're not only a super talented teacher but a darling angel to these amazing kids. I'm kind of speechless, otherwise.

    PS22 chorus: YOU ROCK!

  5. I am so jealous of these kids who have the most amazing teacher! If only i can be 11 years old again...haha!

  6. Mr. B-
    CONGRATS!!! You and your students are AMAZING. It's great to see an educator connect with today's youth. You are truly exemplary. Kudos.

  7. Mr B and PS 22 Kids-
    You are an inspiration to me, a seasoned music teacher, once retired and now on my second career, and my fifth graders! We look to you and your youtube videos for motivation. We will all be watching you on the Oscars.

  8. As an educator I was amazed, as an American I was proud. Mr B is a shining example of "If not us who, If not now when". I cried myself to sleep after the Academy awards, Celine Dion and PS 22...OMG!

    Clay S.

  9. Wow! I go to school in NYC too- and I was thoroughly impressed at what you guys could do if you put your mind to it! Mr. B seems like an amazing, inspirational teacher. You guys were lovely at the Oscars.

  10. Very exciting to see the chorus sing with Katie Perry! I've been following the chorus for years - and this seems to have been the culmination of all of your efforts. The ultimate honor to sing at the Oscars and then on the Oprah Show. The kids will never forget it!

  11. I'm stunning and extremely proud of not only this amazing children but the blessed and talented Mr.B..as my daughter call u..I'm your # 1 fan.....u r the best!

  12. Mr. B! My friend I met you after the Oprah Show taping. You were so wonderful to us! You're such an inspiration to those kids and to fans around the world. Keep doing what you do - you're making a difference!

  13. man if only you could show my school how to be that awesome mainly try to teach the international schools first ok ,just a suggestion ok :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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