Monday, May 10, 2010

TWO PS22 Chorus TV Appearances This Week

Look out for PS22 Chorus footage to be shown on Good Morning America this morning, and on OPRAH tomorrow!!! GMA will be showing a clip of our time with Common & Queen Latifah when the two make guest appearances. And Oprah will be showing a PS22 Chorus video on Tuesday, during an episode about America's most talented kids! It's shaping up to be quite a week!! More to come....

UPDATE: Check out the GMA footage below! (They start talking about PS22 and "Champion" about 1:45 seconds into the interview.)


  1. That sounds pretty good...
    Brace yourselves for a wild ride this week. That e-mail inbox is gonna be on fire (even more than usual). ;)

  2. I think you should prepare and sing "waving flags" !!
    it's an amazing song !

  3. Wow! You guys are fantastic... A friend of mine sent me a link to your blog and listening to it this morning I felt the tears welling up.
    A huge THANK YOU for sharing your music from Vancouver, Canada

  4. Just saw Opraph's show on teen sensations... Glad to see your kids and you mentioned and shown!. Hope on a future show she has your group on!. Congrats on this added exposure.


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-- MGMT. :)

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