Sunday, September 29, 2013

PS22 Chorus of 2014's "Wonder"-ful Debut at Global Citizen Festival!

Yesterday, the PS22 Chorus of 2014 gave its first performance at the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park! After only two weeks together rehearsing, the kids confidently took to the stage among the likes of Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Janelle Monae, and Elvis Costello, just to name a few! The event was attended by an audience of over 60,000 people, and watched via livestream by over a million! The kids sang "Wonder" by Naughty Boy ft. Emeli Sande, a song chosen by the fantastic organization Kidnected World with the intention of bringing together two groups of disparate children in Australia. During the summer, I traveled to Australia with Kidnected World to teach the song to The Redlands School children in Sydney as well as some children from an Aboriginal village at Ayers Rock! Before and during the PS22 performance last night, the Global Citizen Festival showed video footage consisting of highlights of the Aussie children we worked with coming together! The video, coupled with the inspiring performance of the PS22 Chorus, certainly provided an inspiring moment of wonder!

If you missed the livestream, you can check out the performance here!

 While at the event, the kids got to say hello to Alicia Keys, Janelle Monae, and John Mayer! They even got to take photos with R&B legend Dionne Warwick, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, and Malawi President Joyce Banda! Check out those and some more amazing photos from the event below courtesy of Victor Breinberg!  For even more, check out our Facebook page!


  1. Great performance by the children of ps22 2014 chorus at the global citizen festival. Mr. B does amazing work with all of the children. We need more dedicated teachers like him keep the music alive.
    Dyan, Cassara and Tristan's mother

  2. you need to have the ps22 2014 chorus sing the song wonder again while they are seating their choir seats and they were great


  3. Could we (pretty please) get an auditorium version of the song? As far as I see it the kids already mastered the singing and the 'show your emotions' part pretty well.

    Looks like the year starts off amazing. And it's only just begun.

    PS: The link to Kidnected World works only without the in front.


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-- MGMT. :)

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