Thursday, October 03, 2013


In like a lion, the new PS22 Chorus of 2014 delivers in a big way on its first video of the school year with a powerful version of "ROAR" by Katy Perry!! This performance is especially mind-blowing when you consider the fact that the new group has only been working together for less than two and half weeks! Big props go to Stephanie on the solo, and all the kids for an auspicious debut!!

UPDATE (10-5-13): PS22's cover of "Roar" is continuing to garner impressive accolades, most notably getting a wonderful review by our most celebrated supporter and friend, Perez Hilton, who blogged and tweeted his love for the kids' rendition! Check out the screencap of his amazing praise below!


  1. What a great start into the year. And the part about showing their emotions is there as well (it was in the Global Citizen video, too). I'm just wondering about two things: How do you tell the pairs of twins apart and did we see everyone who was in the auditions video?

    Oh, and after watching the video I had one Problem: My smile was too big to fit the doors of the subway I was in. But That's not a bad kind of problem to have.

  2. great song choice and they did so awesome im so blown away from hearing this way to go chorus in of 2014 in the morning and great job to Stephanie on the solo I hope I see more solos from her maybe


  3. Ahhh ♡♥♡♥♡♥ little munchkins really know how to roar they were so good for the first time on film. So much energy I felt like roaring when they said roar !♡♥♡♥ so much emotion I love it ♡♥♡♥ you guys are awesome . Cant wait to hear what's next ! And btw awesome soloist♥ love you all .lola ;-)

  4. They would every day go on trips they did so goooood

  5. Mr.B you did an amazing job. I hope i can come and see them.

  6. Hi,
    Did you arrange sheet music for this, buy an arrangement or do the kids just sing the lyrics and you play lead sheet? I really want to do this song as my 5th grade graduation piece, but want an arrangement accessible for my students. Please let me know and thanks for sharing this performance!

  7. Mr. B, I'm an elementary music teacher and a BIG HUGE admirer of your work and PS 22! My students watch your videos in class and we love the music you share with the world. I just knew you were going to choose "Roar" for your first song this year. :-) We used that song to practice rhythms and love it! Can't wait to see what else you do this year. You are all awesome! Keep singing and keep smiling!

    --Mrs. Stewart in Michigan


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-- MGMT. :)

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