Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The PS22 Chorus of 2014 Auditions!!

Let the games begin! Here are only some of the highlights from the PS22 Chorus of 2014 auditions! As you will see, the talent and personality of this year's crew are tremendous, and we're all excited for what lies ahead!


  1. I can hardly wait for the first video of the full group.

    But I think Mr. B. is found out ("Am I being punked?"). And who's your nocturnal twin? Did you introduce them yet?

    I didn't know about all the relatives of former Chorus members. But I'd like to learn more about how being addicted to your videos could lead someone to become a Chorus member. I'd only have to find a way to grow younger. And move to Staten Island, but that's probably the easy part.

  2. I cant to see this chorus singing and this year chorus of 2014 has so many older brothers and sisters and cousins from past chorus group now you know the chorus does run in the family and I cant belive their are two sets of twin this year in chorus wow and one of the set of twins Jamal & Jayden they are going to be so hard to tell them apart


  3. Looking forward to another phenomenal year of chorus.


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-- MGMT. :)

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