Wednesday, December 19, 2012

PS22 Chorus Sings A Loving Tribute To Sandy Hook School

I am extremely proud of the maturity, empathy, and love displayed yesterday by the PS22 Chorus when the kids recorded this tribute to the children, teachers, and families affected by the tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, CT. It was without a doubt the most difficult song for me and the kids to have to teach and learn respectively (for reasons that need not be explained), but in the end, I believe it was important and cathartic for all of us to do this. We hope it brings hope and inspiration to those who need it at this difficult time, and serves as a remembrance to all those who tragically lost their lives last week.

To hear the original version of the Sandy Hook School Song, click here


  1. Quoting Divina when she was all teary eyed after everyone had said their goodbye: I can't find words for that.

    And yes, I'm sitting here all teary eyed right now, I'm not afraid to admit.

    You are all so awesome. I think you should know that.

    Now, where did I put my tissue?

  2. Its horrible what happen but thats the passed but we gave hope to those people who need it we do this cuz love and to spread joy not about anything else except hope and a loveing ps. 22 chorus family that everyone loves and we treat each other like family thats the most imporent thing i learned to be there for others :D

  3. Thats soooooo nice wat u guys did 4 the school nd ps..... u guys sounded great singin tat
    Best wishes
    Former 126 ariana centeno

  4. Omg I can't stop watching this video Everytime I see this video I start tearing up


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-- MGMT. :)

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