Friday, December 14, 2012

Joy to the World

We recorded this on my cell phone this morning right after it was taught to the kids. I was going to wait until our next rehearsal to rerecord this on our regular video camera, but after the tragic events at the Sandy Hook School in Connecticut today, I just watched and re-watched this video bawling my eyes out. The slightly melancholy arrangement combined with the joyful lyrics lent itself to a poignancy I never intended. But it brings me comfort and hope, whatever is possible after this soul-crushing, senseless act of violence. My hope is that it can do so for others. I am so lucky to work these special young people at PS22, the harbingers of hope, and am so grateful for them on this sad day...


  1. the people in Connecticut really needed this song yesterday, it is sad to see i was about to cry yesterday just seeing how young those kids were im still praying for the familes you should do amazming grace but in your version of the chorus just a short part of amazming grace.


  2. This is wonderful. You folks should have been on Saturday Night Live.

  3. Lol we did great but type short but had a good time
    Nyema 5@130

  4. Mr. B,

    During these difficult times your chorus continues to provide us with hope and a little ray of sunshine - each and every video is very much appreciated.

    To all chorus members (both past and present) thank you, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God Bless.


  5. A horible thing happen its rough getting bye we all have are tears and are fears but times like this we need to move but still have it in are hearts all the we spread its for the people in need we do this because people need to spread joy,love,kindness,hope and most in importint are hearts we pore are love around for all the good souls that were lost but still loved we are doing this great thing because of times like this we give happyness for the peolpe that need happyness :,)

  6. I'm happy to be with all my friends in the chorus we are always there to help each other out no matter what it is we are always having a good time sometimes sad and we have to let our feelings out but that's the one thing in chorus there's no wrong or right I hope the kids are in a better place and are always with there friends and family's they are not there just never for gotten :''')Rest.In.Peace :* Delaney.R 5@126

  7. great. I like this song. It make me feel warm so much


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-- MGMT. :)

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