Saturday, December 22, 2012

Winter Concert 2012

PS22 Chorus of 2013 gave one of its most memorable Winter Concerts in history with some stunning performances and much-needed good cheer! Among other phenomenal highlights, the concert included three 2013 debuts, including "Silent Night," "This Christmas," and the complete version of "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards!" Two former members, Allie (2009) and Kahlil (2012) showed up as well and reminded us just how fantastically talented they are! (As if we needed a reminder!!) Check out some amazing video highlights below, courtesy of Ms. Lisa!

And we leave you with some fabulous pics courtesy of Victor Breinberg!

1 comment:

  1. U guys sounded great i miss u mr.b ur still doin a fab. Job with the chorus
    Best wishes
    Former126 ariana centeno
    Btw i miss u all


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-- MGMT. :)

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