Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Last Christmas

Here is a lilting version of the classic holiday song, "Last Christmas" by Wham!, featuring Kahlil and the PS22 Chorus of 2012 in top form. We'd like to dedicate this one to George Michael (the writer of the song and lead singer of Wham!), and wish him a speedy recovery!

UPDATE: Big thanks to our awesome friend and supporter Perez Hilton for recommending "Last Christmas" to his followers!


  1. Perez knows what's good and always has!! Great job as usual kiddos. Hope your having fun these last few days before the break. Looking forward to the next song :)

  2. Christopher(2010chorus)December 17, 2011 at 9:58 AM

    Happy Birthday Mr.B!

  3. Perez recomends the 2012 PS22 CHORUS !!!OMG all i have to say is that us, Mr.B, Ms. Lisa & Ms.Luarie all deserve this. Im so happy for ourselves.

    Chantal B. 5A-127


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-- MGMT. :)

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