Saturday, December 17, 2011

The First Noel (La Primera Navidad)

Here is a gorgeous version of "The First Noel" in Spanish performed by the PS22 Chorus of 2012, and our latest crew never sounded better! Difficult harmonies performed impeccably and angelically by the kids. Maureen, one of the sweetest souls to ever join the ranks of the PS22 Chorus, sings the second verse so beautifully. Very proud of this performance....


  1. Christopher(2010chorus)December 17, 2011 at 9:45 PM


  2. Thanks Christopher! So cool that you remembered!! Miss you buddy!! :)

  3. Happy Birthday MrBreingberg!
    Have a safe and Happy Birthday!

    Angel 5A-127

  4. This looks like it was video taped like a professinal. Way to go Ms.Lisa and lots of props to Maureen for the solo great job. Oh and happy late b-day Mr.B.

    Chantal 5A-127 Mrs.Panzeera's class

  5. Thank you Chantal and Angel for the b-day wishes!! :)

  6. Wonderful, fantastic, and beautiful as usual! You kids inspire me.

    Agus Breithlá Shona Dhuit Mr.B! (Happy Birthday) Keep up the good work, you all raaaawk! :¬)

  7. Christopher(2010chorus)December 18, 2011 at 9:00 PM

    i would never forget my music teacher's birthday. :)

  8. So beautiful! Sung from the hearts of some beautiful children. Thank you for adding a bright spot to my day!

  9. maureen does a buetiful job on this solo. she has such a soft and pretty voice. she should do more songs. It is not just her singing good, it is also the chorus i love how all the girls in the front row show feeling keep up the good work

  10. i love maureens voice.good job

    kaitlynn f.


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-- MGMT. :)

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