Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Chanukah from PS22 Chorus!

PS22 Chorus of 2012 brings in Chanukah with this lively beautiful Hebrew traditional song, "Mi Yimalel" ("Who Can Retell?"). And big props to Alexis who does a great job on the solo! PS22 wishes a happy Chanukah to all those who are celebrating!


  1. Christopher(2010chorus)December 19, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    One question still remains. was there a winter concert for the PS22chorus? Because most of Mr.B's winter concerts were on his birthday. Happy Holidays Everyone.

  2. oh alexis worked soo hard. good job

    kaitlynn f.
    p.s couldnt post for the past week or two because we had no cable


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