Sunday, December 11, 2011

30 Seconds To Mars & PS22 Chorus

On Thursday night, the PS22 Chorus of 2012 set out to St. Peters Church in Manhattan to perform with the phenomenal 30 Seconds To Mars and the deservedly acclaimed Vitamin String Quartet! The kids joined in on three songs, "Alibi," "Closer To The Edge," & "King & Queens!" Check out 2 performances from the actual show below, and a special version of "Closer To The Edge" with behind-the-scenes footage from the soundcheck earlier that evening!

Thanks to the band (Jared Leto, Tomo Milcevik, Shannon Leto, Braxton Olita), their incredibly supportive and welcoming fans, David Bison for coordinating the kids' appearance, Ms. Lisa for filming, Ms. Laurie & Mrs. Johnson for the pics, and to everyone who helped make it a night to remember!


  1. Fantastic! I especially like the sound check footage. However, what I would really like to know - was she able to keep the jacket?

    Your fan in oregon.

  2. to:anonymous
    no she didnt keep the jacket.

  3. I was so excited to watch the performance w/ 30StM, but the videos aren't available anymore. Any way to get those back up?

  4. OMG! How long has it been? Like 1 Year? I miss these days. The days where we sing A LOT!!!!!!!!! I really do miss these days. BTW, I still remember our parts in this song PERFECTLY!!! :) <3 :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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