Friday, December 17, 2010


Actress Anne Hathaway, co-host of the upcoming 2010 Oscars, and producer Bruce Cohen paid PS22 a visit at last night's 2010 Winter Concert to give the kids the most exciting news!!! The PS22 Chorus of 2011 will be walking the red carpet and performing at this year's Academy Awards Ceremony!!! Thanks to Ms. Lisa for the fantastic video capturing this unforgettable moment!!

Footage from the amazing night is set to air on Entertainment Tonight later today. (Check your local listings!!) Thanks to Victor Breinberg (my awesome dad!) for the great pics on the post! And stay tuned for more updates on our Oscar journey, AND some highlight performances from the concert!!


  1. Wow! Congrats! What an inspiring post and video. Left me in tears. The good kind. Can't wait to see you perform at the Oscars! Dear are amazing..

  2. What an exciting night...these are the luckiest kids in the world!! This will be an unforgettable experience they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Thankyou Mr. B for everything you do
    (Chris's mom)

  3. Congrats to you all - look forward to seeing you on TV! This is well deserved and I know you will all do great! Bravo to you all and Mr. B!

    -Carol from Seattle, WA-

  4. What a night, congrats kids, your guys were awesome.

    To Mr. B you are the best, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    From Saleem's Mom

  5. And the dream goes on...
    I wish it could forever.
    You better enjoy every minute of that trip! It's probably going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    I'm so happy for all of you. You deserve it!
    Please make sure that nobody's going to miss out on this incredible opportunity.

    Can you believe it yet, Mr B?

  6. What an amazing night to experience. The joy in the kids eyes will stay with me forever. And great pic dad!! I can't wait to follow this epic journey. :)

  7. So wonderful! Congratulations PS22 -- NYC will be watching and cheering you on!!

  8. Well let me be the first to ask ( at least online)......

    Gregg - who are you wearing Oscar night? :-)

    Seriously - Congratulations.


  9. I am in tears! So excited for those kids - and Mr B - you are so amazing - this is so deserved. I know these kids are your life and how amazing it must be for you to see them get such incredible recognition.
    I cannot wait to see the magic that happens.
    Well done!

  10. This is so exciting! Can't wait to watch it on TV!

  11. I was driving into Long Island from where I now live (Seneca Falls) and of course was worried about traffic. I was adamantly listening to 1010 wins when I heard your voice and couldn't believe it!

    I immediately called Gina and Tinna!! We are so proud of you and cannot believe all that you've done so far. (We knew you'd always go big!)

    Congratulations to you Mr.B and PS 22! I'll definitely be watching from good ole Seneca Falls.

    - Mina.

  12. btw: I hope Kylie is going to be there too because she still owes Matthew a high-five. ;-)

  13. so are ya guys actually gonna come to LA???
    if you do, can you like, stay a few days? so i can like, visit y'all? xDD LOLOLOL.

  14. I just watched your Anne Hathaway video and what really got me is that at around 3min 20 sec, the director/teacher goes on stage and helps a boy who is obviously having sensory problems with all the screaming off the stage in the most inconspicuous and caring way. The fact that this teacher, with all the excitement happening, actually takes notice of this boy's distress and then takes the action that he does, shows the measure of this man's humanity. It is good to know that educators of this caliber are out there! All the amazing things to happen are so deserved. Also, the boy returns to the stage around the 5 minute mark to share such a wonderful right. I didn't know about you until this morning, but I'm a fan now.

  15. Awesome video, thanks for sharing:)

  16. Mr B you are the true meaning of the term "teacher"
    In a time when there are so many issues with schools and teachers, you stand above it all.
    Congratulations to you and your beautifully diverse chorus!

  17. Congratulations PS22 Chorus and Mr. B!!! I hope everyone will enjoy their time here in California! :-)

    ~Allyson from Los Angeles, CA

  18. What an inspiration! This teacher is soooo special to open such a world to these truly special children! This website has brought tears and joy to my hear!

  19. Congratulations! Gregg, you are an amazing teacher and the chorus is inspiring. Such joy!
    Best of luck on Oscar night!

  20. Mr B,

    Even though we no longer walk the halls of PS 22, we feel your joy!

    You all deserve it!

  21. Mr B. !!!
    Congratulations to you all, this is such a wonderful experience and you totally deserve it !!

    The kids reaction is absolutely incredible and the fact that this was given to you by Anne Hathaway who I absolutely love and admire, is even more amazing...

    I'm so proud of you all, and so happy to finally get to see you in my own television and not on a small computer screen !!

    I'll love watching the oscars even more this year :)

    Love and HAPPINESS from France !!

  22. I can't even tell you how much I love this choir! And Mr. B, the work you're doing with them (not to mention the song selection) is incredible. I'm a children's book author and seeing kids inspired in this way is what I live for. Love it, love it, love it! I was in choirs all through high school and college and it's an experience that stays with you for life. Congratulations!

    On a side note: My parents are renewing their vows for their 40th anniversary this April 24 and I would LOVE to have you and the kids perform during the ceremony. Of course, you are all internationally known now, so I'm sure you're booked solid, but just letting you know you're on my wish list!

    Lots of love,
    Crystal Velasquez


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-- MGMT. :)

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