Friday, December 10, 2010

PS22 Chorus Is Not Afraid!

The PS22 Chorus of 2011 take on Eminem in this astounding acoustic version of "Not Afraid!" The kids bring a whole new meaning to the song with their reinvention of this modern hip hop classic! Brianna ("Krispy Kreme") & Jonathon do an incredible job on their respective solo parts, and Marquis takes to the drums again to give it that extra punch! Definitely a new favorite!! Thanks to Ms. Lisa for the fantastic filming!!


  1. You guys are the listening to lift my heart up!

  2. love Brianna-- so much spunk and Jonathan... NICE!!!

    can't wait to hear what's next!!
    Keep rocking kiddos!

  3. these kids are amazing. ive been listening to them as of this september and i was listening to all of the songs the day they were posted and all the other songs but for some reason i love the song snow angel when they sang it and they were so cute i wanted to cry.
    Also i liked the song chanukah and the pics on the menora.the two cutest kides were the two next to you-- the one with the bun and green headband and the one with the ponytail to the lefthand side.

  4. Hi, i just want to say hello to the community

  5. How absolutely extraordinary and uplifting. Happy Holidays and Joy to you all.

  6. Amazing and so uplifting, I hope you rock it out on the Oscars (we will all be watching)!

  7. Okay, so I've just spent an hour watching a variety of your Youtube videos and, of course you hear this often, but you guys are doing amazing things!

    I'm a homeschool mom who would love to be doing what you are doing when my children are grown!

    I saw my Jr. High music teacher just the other day, got to walk up and shake his hand and tell him I recorded an album this past year...I can only imagine what your students will get to accomplish with the gift you're helping them grow.

  8. Everytime I watch a PS 22 Chior video, it brings me to tears, in a good way! As a future teacher, I admire you for the work you have done with children. These kids are so inspirational with beautiful voices and a contagious energy! Keep up the GREAT work!

  9. hi mr.b its me jasmin from last year!!!! i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the chorus this year!! the chorus is amazing!!!!

  10. GREAT job P.S. 22! Luvluvluv your work! ;)

  11. i heard of you after reading the guardian news in the UK.

    I've been listening to your choir ever since!

    Mr B, you are an inspiration of what teachers are, and continue your good work! PS22 Chorus shows how well children can perform, if they are guided and given a platform!

  12. Omg you guy just give me a boost every time I listen to this it is so good

  13. Wow you are so good when I saw this it lightened my day and I had to listen to it again


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-- MGMT. :)

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