Sunday, December 19, 2010


Pic by (and used with kind permission of): Paul Martinka of the NY Post

So it's safe to say that many lives have been turned completely upside down at PS22 with the announcement that the PS22 Chorus of 2011 is being flown to Hollywood to be part of the 2011 Academy Awards Ceremony! These past 2 days have been insane -- the kids have been featured on every major TV network, the press has been on a feeding frenzy, and the kids are still at their homework!! The public response has been overwhelming to say the least! Speaking on behalf of the kids, we are all beyond grateful for the enormous opportunities bestowed upon us the last several years. Speaking on my own behalf, I can say these kids deserve everything that's coming to them, and I have never been so proud. I don't want the blog to start sounding like an Oscar acceptance speech, so I'll stop there. The video below speaks for itself. Enormous thanks to Jonathan Kalafer for capturing the intense elation and emotion of a night we'll never forget!


  1. LOVE that picture.... still in awe....

  2. I first saw your site I think in 2008. The positive support you have received is amazing (and much deserved). I can't wait until the Awards!

  3. That's awesome!!!!
    Congratulations!!! :-)

  4. Congratulations!! I am so happy for all of you!! I will be watching!!

  5. Congratulations on this magnificent chorale, I'm in love! I love love love! See you soon, Sandy (France)

  6. LOVE that pic!!! And might I add that the bulletin board looks pretty darn awesome in the background!! : )

    Ms. Lisa

  7. Mr B. Kids. You are my daily vitamin. Many congratulations.

    Have a FABULOUS time in LA.

  8. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I have been watching the oscars since i was 4 and i used to think about how much work people must have had to do to be able to perform there, and now im peforming there!!!!!!!!NO WAY!!!!!!I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!I thank god everyday for all that he has given me these past 3 months:p!!!!I REALLY AM BLESSED!!!!!



  9. o. m. g,
    i'm so excited for you all. i cried a little and i'm a grown man! lol!
    these kids deserve it all.
    thank you for teaching these children right.


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-- MGMT. :)

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