Friday, September 10, 2010

The PS22 Chorus ACE OF CAKES Episode Airs!!

Thanks to everyone at Charm City Cakes for this unforgettable gift!! For some great pics from our day with Duff & the gang, click here!


  1. thank you soo much Mr. B! for posting this. i wanted to watch it, but i dont have cable. and i was out all day yesterday. my brother-in-law saw u guys tho. :]

  2. I was SOOOO excited when I watched this episode of Ace Of Cakes! What a wonderful thing they did for you and your deserving PS 22 chorus!
    I am a music teacher at an Elementary School in a suburb of Dallas Texas. Just wanted you all to know that your singing inspires us here in the south as well!

  3. Hi mr.b it's Edwin I don't know if you remember me but I just wanted to say congrats a saw the episode a few days ago you guys were great as always you never cease to amaze keep up the good work!!!!!! :)

  4. what song did they sing? didn't recognize it. so good!

  5. "zebra" by beach house -- AMAZING song. :)

  6. This is so awesome AND well deserved :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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