Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering September 11th, 2001

Here are two newly posted videos from our September 11th docu-drama from back in 2002. The above is kindergartener Carol (who would eventually turn up in the PS22 Chorus of 2007) recalling the events of September 11th and her hopes for the future. Below is one of the most compelling scenes of the movie, in which the kids speak with wisdom beyond their years on the issue of racism against Muslims. And man oh man, if it doesn't make you wonder if the world wouldn't be a much better place if it were being run by the 10 year olds.... Our hearts go out on this day to all those who've lost friends and family 9 years ago today.


  1. thank u for posting these two videos.. I have reposted the second one on my page and linked it to yours.

  2. God bless you mr. b. my brother was in the pentagon when the planes were flying over... i was really young so i dnt remember what happened but i do noe he came out safe... :///

  3. I'm definitely going to share these clips.

    Any chance you know where these kids are now, 8 years later?

  4. Your site is amazing.I am very impressed to see this,i want to come back for visiting your site.Keep doing Good as well as you can..

  5. How in the world do you still have this ancient thing?! So that's what you were talking about the whole time with the Statue of Liberty thing...I never knew what you were talking about...But anyhoo... O.O OH MY GODDD!!!

  6. lol! and now you know! you were the CUTEST kid!!! :)

  7. Lol! Oh man, man! I don't even remember doing this! I miss 22! High school is blahh lol When can I come and visit!?

  8. always happy to see you, carol, so any time! :)

  9. Oh yes!!! I wanna go and see you guys so badly! But sadly I have school and I don't get out of school until 4:09... highschool ya dig?

  10. 409,that's Fantastic. (Sorry, just some all-purpose cleaner humor....)

  11. Lol yeah! Especially coming from Manhattan that will be like another 2 hours. :T

  12. maybe you can come on a day when high schools are off, and elementary schools are on. :)

  13. I hope soo! School is crazy! The trains hardly come on time. And I'm out there on the ferry getting stuck in a tornado. And my homework flew off the ferry.

  14. yeah, that was a CRAZY storm.... and sure, hw flew off the ferry. i believe that.... ;)

  15. Lol! You should! I have witnesses! I was so scared because I didn't really know how my math teacher was, cause LaGuardia seems like a no joke kinda school.. soo yeah lol Heart attack

  16. o.O
    Yes indeed. LaGuardia. I don't understand the "?!"

  17. the "?!" was me being very excited and proud to hear it!

  18. Aww...thanks :D
    Vocal major ;]

  19. WOW!!! how cool to see just how far a great beginning can take kids!

    What an AMAZING accomplishment Carol... hopefully you can sneak by one day and we can hear you sing now!

    wish we could know what more of the kids are doing these days!

  20. Aww thanks...:D
    But sorry to kill the hope. I'm not a vocal major lol. I go there for technical theater. Working the backstage :D
    The only time I sing is in the shower lol

  21. evil child..... ;) doesn't make me any less proud tho, so there!! :P

  22. Okay. Soo I really want to come and visit. But I don't think that I can just stroll in. So how is this going to work? D:

  23. usually barbara the security guard will contact me on the cell if i have visitors. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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