Thursday, July 29, 2010

PS22 Chorus on YouTube Home Page!

So cool to see our Just Dance video from 2009 back in the spotlight! Congrats to Tirzah and the PS22 Chorus of 2009. Proof positive here that great performances live on forever!


  1. Mr. B, you sir, are a great man. Great acts such as what you do with these kids are amazing, for all of us out here and mostly for the children. Keep it up, made a 21 year old man cry. We need more people like you out there.

  2. Nice! I was wondering why suddenly there were like 3 comments/minute and that view-counter just skyrocketed for another 350,000 views in just 1 day! Great way to spread the message because you'll definitely have won many new fans now, to whom I say: Welcome!

  3. Congrats! :)
    I hope you will have fun with the chorus of 2011.
    Btw: I like the new blog-style :-)

  4. Ahhhh! LOVE the new look!!!!! : )

    Miss Lisa <3


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-- MGMT. :)

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