Friday, July 23, 2010

Just Dance Remix!

Ok, so how cool is this?! Thanks to YouTube user Mattiaskn123 for this awesome homage to the PS22 Chorus version of Lady Gaga's "Just Dance!"


  1. hola mr. b!!!! i miss you and the chorus and i need to get my weekly dose of chorus!!! wow. that was cool. mattiaskn 123 made my favorite lady gaga song sound so different... AND COOL!!!

  2. why do u need to get a dose of chorus or however u said it LUCRESSE

  3. because, victor, lucresse has impeccable taste in music. ;)

    thanks, lucresse, for always leaving such kind messages for/about the chorus. :)

  4. i leave kind messages because there is absolutly nothing bad to say. the chorus is absolultly flawless. :) the greatest in history!!!. thanks mr. b!! :)

  5. Just to say Hi to the PS22 Chorus kids from every year. Have been watching your progress. Oh and of course to Mr B. I have been very very impressed by your project. As a community facilitator working actively in my community in Middlesbrough in the North east of England. I thank you for the inspiration to do similar. I was just wondering what do the children without the highest talent do while the others bring beautiful music and charm to the millions. Kind Regards Hembrodion.

  6. SOOOO COOL!! I love that pic o2!!

  7. Unbelievable. Just stumbled on your youtube channel today. This remix sounds amazing - Tirzah, you have an incredible gift!

    Keep up the great work, P.S. 22!

  8. Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.



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-- MGMT. :)

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