Friday, July 30, 2010

PS22 Chorus Gets A Makeover!

As you might have noticed, things look a little different 'round these parts. Hugest thanks to chorus mega-fan, Zendrig, who took the time to design our amazing new header pic!! (The main image featuring the upcoming PS22 Chorus of 2011 was kindly donated to the cause by Time Out New York for Kids and its photographer, Jordan Hollender. Big thanks to them too!) Zen put everything together magnificently, and it's a beautiful tribute to the accomplishments of the kids! The new header inspired other changes, and we're very excited about the new look of the blog overall! Still working out some changes, so bear with us as we install them.

To download the new masterpiece of a header in it's original size click on it below! (It happens to make for a great wallpaper!)


  1. Very impressive!. Makeovers refresh and renew..... Can't wait for your next crew!.

  2. Mr. B:

    I'm a student at the College of Education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. I start my semester of student teaching in just a couple weeks. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to tell you that when I think about the kind of teacher I want to be, I think about you and your kids at PS22. Thank you for showing the world what a dedicated teacher can accomplish. Hope you and your kids have a great year!

  3. Mr. Breinberg,

    You are not only a wonderful teacher, but a remarkable person and I want to thank you for it. I have an idea for you and have sent you an e-mail about it, so please look out for it. Once again thank you for your inspirational work.

  4. tears are flowin from my eyes i can't stop talkin about them at work amazin voices!!!!! i'm just finding out about y'all!!! I'm from texas that's why i say y'all keep up the good work 1111

  5. Awesome new look! I like it.

  6. I really love the new look. The pictures are well-placed and the overall look is beautiful,very creative, and with great choice of lettering. The surrounding colors enhance the big picture which includes so many highlights of P.S. 22 Chorus'success. May the new look bring new opportunities.
    Mrs. B.

  7. Thank you Mrs. B. and everybody else. ;)
    Glad you like it.

  8. It's AWESOME Zen-- how could we not like it!!

    next up-- a new background for the youtube page :)

  9. btw: Big thanks to Nicole M. for the beautiful and poignant quote I had to steal from her. ^^

  10. zen -- you did a brilliant job, particularly putting up with me throughout the process! nice of you to credit nicole on the quote, which seriously says it all about these kids.

    mrs. b -- glad you like! i do too!

    suz -- that's a bit premature, don't you think??? the last one went up, what, 2 weeks ago? ;)

    everybody -- thanks as always for the kindness!

  11. I just wanted to say that I really like the structural changes on the blog lately.

    For example the change to three columns, the awards, and the newly introduced poll section. Keep 'em coming!

  12. a big hello to mr. b and the wonderful ps 22 kids:

    the site looks great and i look forward to keeping up with the latest news on the chorus. i would love to show my support buy purchasing some chorus shirts to wear around the city. i'm sure the chorus can always use the extra funds to keep the program going. i think i'm still an alto. any chance of printing adult sized shirts for the supporters?



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-- MGMT. :)

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