Saturday, July 31, 2010

20 Million Views!!

The PS22 Chorus is proud to have achieved over 20,000,000 viewings of videos on our main YouTube channel! (That doesn't even include the millions of hits garnered from PS22's alternate channel, Schooltube channel, and third party posters!) As a matter of fact, with the amazing week they've had, the kids almost completely bypassed the 20 million, and will most likely have scored 21 million views by tomorrow's end. Congrats kids, and heartfelt thanks especially to Ms. Lisa & Mrs. Johnson, who together have filmed the bulk of the videos on our channel!

In other video views news, PS22's #1 most watched video, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga has earned itself an extra cool million hits this week from being featured as a spotlight video on YouTube's home page on Thursday! This brings the total # of views of that video to over 3.5 million! Who could ever have imagined?? To quote Albert Justin F., "The saga will continue!"


  1. Congratulations! I wish you all best of luck from Finland. We love PS22!

    I just so nice to see how talented all the people in your chorus are.

    Keep it up your good work. :]

  2. AWESOME!!! dream big and work hard and great things will happen-- the kids prove this year after year--

    the even more amazing part is that this time last year-- it was 8 million...

  3. Congratulations!!!
    Not to be nit-picky but I think "The saga will continue." was Justin's quote. ;)

  4. thanks for the correction, zen! :)

  5. Congrats guys! I saw you on the home page for youtube, niiiice! I like the new page, too.
    Greets from The Movie Capitol, Hollywood, California!

  6. love you guys! I watch the videos whenever I need cheering up. I've had some talented 5th graders in my class, but the chorus is nothing like THIS! :0)

    Keep up the great work. You inspire many...

  7. Who are the girls in the picture?


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-- MGMT. :)

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